There will be a lunch menu change for this Friday only. Please see attached the menu options for this day.
Homework WB 17.2.20
Below is homework guidance for this week:
Spelling list this week is number 18 wh words.
All pupils have been issued with a new reading book. Reading markers will not be given out this term. Reading books should be read every night along with word wall practice.
Numeracy homework has been assigned on Education City. All children have their log in details in their homework folders.
Also today is a very special day for Liam in P2b. All the boys and girls would like to wish him a very happy birthday! We hope you have a lovely night.
Miss McFlynn 🙂
Back to School
I hope you all have had an enjoyable February Weekend!
We have had a very busy 2 days back at school this week. There has been lots of independent learning taking place in the class and atrium. Lots of the boys and girls have been using the Lego this week to build their amazing creations.
Monroe was busy making a very special birthday cake in the sand. She was using different measuring tools to measure out the ingredients.
Some of us loved exploring with the water this week. We used fairy liquid and different tools to create lots of soapy bubbles.
This week we started learning the days of the week and months of the year in French. Miss McFlynn then tested what we had learn during a Kahoot! Quiz.
P2b want to say a huge well done to Jay who received his first football trophy from his team. He was awarded ‘Most Valuable Player’ for his dedication and hard work.
Burns Performance
P2b did amazingly at the burns performance on Friday. Here’s a video of their fantastic performance!
Scots Language Week
P2b kicked off Scots Language Week today by creating their own tartan patterns. We spoke about some traditional tartan patterns and researched if our family names were a tartan. We used oil pastels, crayons and pencils to create our chosen look.
Our Learning WE 25.1.20
We were very busy in P2b last week learning lots of new and exciting things.
Lots of the boys and girls showed fantastic creativity and team work during maths time using different resources found in the classroom. Hannah, Liam, Ben, LaCie and Eilidh made a very long chain. They then used rulers to measure the length of the chain.
They discovered that the ruler was 32 rulers long. We worked out that the total length was 960cm because each ruler is 30cm long. The circles were working very hard on finding fractions of shapes. During independent learning time Cieran extended his knowledge of fractions.
The squares were working hard learning how to solve missing number calculations. All of the pupils were very focused throughout the lesson and received a sticker from Mrs Sturgees for their dedication.
Lots of the boys and girls enjoyed building and creating different models this week. Some of them used the Lego to build houses, castles and shops.
We received a mysterious delivery last week. We all guessed what we thought it was. The majority of P2b thought it was a book.
Miss McFlynn read the story to us but we didn’t know the title and we weren’t allowed to see the pictures. We closed our eyes whilst the story was read to us and visualised what we thought was happening. After we heard the story we designed a front cover that we thought would match the story we heard. We also gave our stories a title. Miss McFlynn then revealed to us what the story was actually called and what the front cover looked like. Some of us were very close!
We also began learning about the properties of water. We discussed in groups where we see water and what we used it for. We drew and wrote our ideas on paper and shared them with the rest of the class.
Primary 2b have been very very busy this week.
Next week we will be celebrating ‘Scots Language Week’. Because of this P22b were very interested in finding out a bit more about the country we live in. Firstly we spoke about what we already knew about Scotland. Miss McFlynn noted down all our ideas and we placed them on the floor map.
Miss McFlynn was very impressed with what we already knew about Scotland.
In groups we then looked through the mystery boxes. Together we looked at each of the objects and decided which 3 were our favourites. We then placed these on the floor map.
Some of our favourites were Nessie and the bagpipes. We then each drew a picture of what we were most interested to learn about. We placed our drawings next to the mystery box item that matched our drawing. As you can see Nessie was a very popular topic so we started off our learning around her.
We then listened to the story of Nessie. We all then voted true or false depending on wether or not we thought Nessie was real or fake. After we heard the story we all got into small groups to create 3 frames which showed how we would react if we saw Nessie. Here are some examples:
The performances were fantastic and very enjoyable to watch. Well done!
Burns Celebration Update
Burns celebration has now been moved to Friday 31st January to coincide with Scots Language Week.
As a result pupils do not need to bring in sunglasses until next week.
Miss McFlynn 🙂
Burns Celebration
Apologies about the delay on the copy of ‘Donald where yer troosers’ lyrics. These will be given out to pupils tomorrow! In the meantime pupils can be practicing with the lyrics from our previous blog post.
Our whole school burns celebration has been changed to Friday 24th January. If possible could pupils bring in a pair of sunglasses by Thursday this week for their performance. Also, if anyone has any blow up/toy guitars, microphones or any instruments and you wouldn’t mind letting P2 borrow them for their performance on Friday could you please send them into school by Thursday.
Many thanks,
Miss McFlynn and Miss Cathcart 🙂
Homework WB 20/1/20
Below is homework guidance for this week:
Spelling list this week is number 15 – i_e words.
All pupils have been issued with a new reading book. Reading markers will not be given out this term. Reading books should be read every night along with word wall practice.
Numeracy homework has been assigned on Education City. All children have their log in details in their homework folders.
Miss McFlynn 🙂