This year, all homework can be accessed through Google Classroom. If you are unsure how to access Google Classroom have a look at the video below (posted March). Homework will usually include the following tasks:
- Spelling – each night, pupils can choose between Literacy Planet or a multi sensory task.
- Literacy Planet can be accessed through Glow and login details can be found in pupils’ homework folders. Once logged in, pupils should click ‘Tasks’, find the tasks dated that week and choose a few games to play. They don’t need to play every game.
- Examples of multi sensory activities can be found on Google Classroom. Pupils should choose one activity and complete this for that day’s spelling words. The list of spelling words for the week can be found in a Google Doc on Google Classroom. The activities could be completed on the Google Doc with the list or in the homework jotter which will be sent out.
- Maths – a numeracy task will be set up each week which could include:
- Hit the Button. A link to Hit the Button will be posted in Google Classroom along with which options they should choose e.g. number bonds, multiplication tables, etc. After playing a few games, pupils should record their score that day in the Google Doc posted on Google Classroom.
- Daily six. This quiz will be posted on Google Classroom for pupils to complete.
- Reading – we are unable to send books home at the moment therefore, pupils should choose any book and try to read for 10 minutes each night.
I hope this helps. If you have any questions or do not have access to a device please just let us know.