Homework WB 25/11/19

For homework this week Primary 2 should be continuing to practice their lines and song lyrics for the nativity. We are hoping to be off script by the end of the week so we need the boys and girls to be practising as much as possible at home as well as in school.

Pupils have also been asked to pick a book every night to read for enjoyment. If you do not have any books at home pupils are allowed to take one from the class library to read at home.

There has been no other homework assigned this week as we would like the lines to be the focus.

REMINDER: All nativity tickets must be paid for through parent pay before you can receive them. Please do this as soon as possible.

Our week 18/11/19

This week have had lots of fun learning new and exciting things.

Some of us started off the week with Miss Mobbs learning how to partition numbers. We looked at double digit numbers that have tens and units. We created our own numbers using the tens and units.

We enjoyed making use of our construction skills to create some amazing models using the Lego. Jamie made an ice cream. Amelia worked hard to build a house.

Some boys and girls were building cvc words. They worked hard to spell the words correctly and identify all the sounds.

We enjoyed using technology to practice our numeracy skills on sumdog.

This afternoon we continued learning about the weather. Today we focused on rain and Miss Mobbs taught us all about the water cycle. We learned about condensation and precipitation and even got to make our own rain clouds.


Nativity 2019

All pupils in Primary 2 have now been assigned their roles in our performance of ‘Little Star’s Story’. All pupils have been given their scripts and lyrics to practice with at home.

Can you pleas practice these lines with your child as much as possible. We will have time in school for practicing, however, your help at home with this is vital and would be much apppreciated.

Can all pupils make sure they bring their scripts into school every day for in school practices.

If you have any questions please ask Miss McFlynn or Miss Cathcart 🙂

Homework WB 18/11/19

Below is homework guidance for this week:

P2b Homework guidance 2019

Spelling list this week is number 10 ‘ss/zz’. Children should choose 6 words from the list to practice over the course of the week.

Numeracy homework has been assigned on Education City. All children have their log in details in their homework folders.

Miss McFlynn 🙂

Mud Kicthen

P2b all had an amazing time out in the mud kitchen this afternoon. Some of the boys and girls helped me plant some of the beautiful plants Mrs Carwood bought. We used our spades to dig out the soil and pour it into the planters making sure the pumpkin was covered.

Some of the boys and girls were pretending they wee working on a building site. They needed to clear the leaves and trees ready for their new school to be built. They worked hard together and independently. Amazing imagination guys!

We used our problem solving skills to work out how to get the water into the bucket.

Some of the boys and girls played together in the mud kitchen. They were making ‘lentil soup’ and ‘cupcakes’ for us all.

I was so impressed with how well P2b all worked and played together. Well done boys and girls!

Miss McFlynn 🙂






The Nativty

Both P2a and P2b have now been issued with Nativty letters. These letters have been issued to check if your child is able to take part in the evening performance of the nativty on the 12th December. Please return these letters to class teachers no later than Friday 15th November.

Miss McFlynn and Miss Cathcart 🙂

W/E 8.11.19

This week there has been lots of child lead learning happening in P2b. We have been enjoying using the construction area in our atrium this week. Jessica worked hard to build sofa. Zion, Benjamin, Hannah and Eilidh showed team work, determination and creativity when they built a house with a sofa, walls and a TV.

We have been testing our concentration skills by completing some different jigsaws.

As it was bonfire night last week some of use decided to create pictures of fireworks using paint and toilet roll holders.

Millie worked hard to build one of the Lego characters. She made sure she included every detail on the picture.

Cieran, Liam, Joshua, Ruan and Jay got very creative with the cubes. They made a house with a chimney and created their own ‘Pac-Man Game’.

HW WB 11.11.19

Below is homework guidance for this week:

P2b Homework guidance 2019

Spelling list this week is number 9 ‘ll’. Children should choose 6 words from the list to practice over the course of the week.

Numeracy homework has been assigned on Education City. All children have their log in details in their homework folders.

Can all pupils please remember to bring in outdoor learning clothes and appropriate shoes (preferably wellies if possible) for tomorrow. We will be making use of the mud kitchen this whole week so please make sure it is clothes and shoes that can be left in school all week.

Miss McFlynn 🙂

Outdoor Learning

Yesterday we took our learning outdoors and explored some of the natural materials that can be found outside. We worked in teams to collect as many materials as we could, for example leaves, berries, grass and sticks. 

We discussed the colour, texture and size of all the materials we found during our hunt. We then used these to create amazing artwork.

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