P2b have yet again had a very busy and productive week!
This week in numeracy we have been looking at pattern. We created our own patterns in the class using different shapes and colours.
Jamie, Liam, Hannah, Millie, Dylan and Libby worked together to make a huge chain. They used their problem solving skills to come up with a way to measure how long the chain was. They discovered it was 35 rulers long!
We went outside this week and went on a ‘senses’ walk around the school. We were on the hunt for things that we could see, smell, hear, feel and taste. We discovered lots of different things on our walk.
We also spent the week revising some french greetings that we learned in P1 and were introduced to some new ones. We walked around the class to music and when it stopped we found a friend to practice our french conversational skills. We know how to say hello, my name is and tell people how we are. Ask us at home!