NNC Newsletter 21.09.2023

Hello everyone,

The weeks are flying by so quickly and the weather has definitely got a little cooler! Despite the rain, the children have been enjoying lots of time both indoors and outdoors. They have been listening to the pitter patter of the rain, splashing in the puddles and discussing the changing colours of the leaves.

September Weekend and Proposed Strike Action
The school and nursery will be closed for the September weekend on Friday 22nd and Monday 25th September.

As of yet, we have not heard any further updates in relation to the planned 3 days of industrial action next week and I would therefore ask you to please check ERC social media for any updates with regards to this.  If industrial action is called off later today, or over the weekend we will look forward to welcoming all children back to school on Tuesday.

What to bring
A bit of rain does not stop us here at Netherlee Nursery! Please be reminded that it is helpful if wellies are brought to Nursery each day and a suitable outdoor jacket. Many of our children enjoy and benefit from getting messy with mud or water whilst playing outdoors. We have a small supply of spare nursery clothes but we would be grateful if a spare change of clothes could be brought to nursery if at all possible. Thank-you for your support with this.

Have a wonderful holiday weekend.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery

Netherlee Newsletter 21.09.2023

Hello everyone,

Feedback Friday
Just a reminder that on Friday 29th September, it is Feedback Friday. Can all home learning jotters/project work be brought into school with your child.

Open Classrooms
Once again, we are very much looking forward to opening our doors and welcoming parents/carers into school on Friday 6th October for Open Classrooms. We invite P1-4 parents between 9.30am and 10.00am and ask that you enter via the Clarkston Road Gate. Please use the doors to the right of the ramp to both enter and leave the school. P5-7 parents, we look forward to welcoming you between 11.15am and 11.145am and we ask you to enter and exit via the main front door at reception. We request a maximum of two adults per child. Our children and staff are looking forward to seeing you then if you are able to join us.

P1 Recycling Project
Primary 1 are delighted to be helping out our Primary 7 pupils with their STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) Recycling Project. The project involves using recycled materials to create a piece of clothing to wear at a fashion show at Williamwood High School. This will take place in the evening of Thursday 5th October (time to be confirmed).

The Primary 1 pupils will be making a piece of jewellery out of recycled materials, which will be taken to Williamwood High School to be displayed as part of the fashion event. We are kindly asking for each child to bring a selection of recycled materials to create their piece of jewellery on Monday 2nd October. These are items that you would otherwise be recycling or throwing away. This includes items such as bottle tops, cartons, cereal boxes, yoghurt pots, bubble wrap, plastic bottles etc.

Primary 6 and 7 STEAM Event
Please see attached letter regarding an invitation to a STEAM showcase event on 5th October at Williamwood High School.
STEAM Letter

P7 Vision Screening
On Mon 2nd October NHS staff will be in school to carry out vision screening for your child.

As of yet, we have not heard any further updates in relation to the planned 3 days of industrial action next week and I would therefore ask you to please check ERC social media for any updates with regards to this.  If industrial action is called off later today, or over the weekend we will look forward to welcoming all children back to school on Tuesday.

Have a lovely long weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Netherlee Newsletter 15.09.2023

Hello everyone

Indoor/Outdoor PE- Little reminder from Mrs Linn
Just a gentle reminder to all our children/ parents, to keep everyone safe while participating in indoor and outdoor P.E., all long hair should be tied back. This can be done in the morning before arriving at school or you are welcome to bring a hair bobble and tie your hair up before going to P.E. Many thanks for your support with this everyone.

Diversity and Equality Parent & Carers Group
Our Primary 7 Diversity Councillors had our first, successful meeting on Wednesday and we are looking for adults with an interest or passion for celebrating Diversity and Equality here in Netherlee to join us. We are hoping to build on the success of our previous Diversity events, celebrating the wide range of religion, culture, gender and neurodiversity we have in our school community. We will meet the last Wednesday of each month, from 2.40pm- 3.10pm and you are welcome to come along to all or just some of the meetings. If you would like to be part of this group of if you have any further questions, please contact Mrs Kelly Linn at school mail SchoolMail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk.

New Arrival Coming Soon
As you may be aware Mrs Vari Malone will be leaving us next Thursday to begin her maternity leave. Mrs Malone has really enjoyed her time with P5d this year and is sad to leave, but excited to know that the children will be in great hands with Mrs Sharin Nicolson who will be taking the class forward full time from Tuesday 26th September. I’m sure you will join me in wishing Mrs Malone all the best on the next step of her journey.

Theme Day on 27th September
Please find attached ERC’s planned menu change for Wednesday 27th September. The allergy information is included to enable all children to select a suitable, safe option. However, if you require further allergy or dietary information, please contact our catering team via the school office.
World Travellers Day PS

A Note from PTA – Coming Together for our School and Nursery

Firstly thanks to those who flagged some challenges in ordering uniforms via our link and apologies for any inconvenience caused.  We have been able to resolve the issue and are open for uniform orders until 26th September, using the following link: https://www.pta-events.co.uk/netherleepta/

Save the Dates – Fundraising Activities
Some of you may be aware that the PTA, volunteers and everyone who participates in any of the events help raise funds that support some of the extra items beyond the core school budget. Last school year this included items like sumdog subscriptions, new playground markings, sports equipment and the colour dash. Without the support of everyone, whether you volunteer, donate or participate in the events none of this would be possible so a huge THANK YOU for all your support! We hope everyone can get involved in some way again this school year and look forward to enjoying the fun across the school community.

As we mentioned in last week’s bundle the PTA are getting ready for 2023/24 with some fundraising activities planned for autumn and winter and have provided some dates to save below. We will shortly be sending out lists of all the activities and events where you or other family members can get involved in supporting our school, however in the interim if anyone would like to note their interest please email netherleepta@gamil.com

  • Design a card project – Please see the attached flyer and hopefully you will find a form in your child’s school bag.
  • The Autumn Pumpkin Event is planned for Friday 27th October 6pm – 8pm  – Please see the attached flyer for a flavour of what to expect. More details of how you can get involved to follow in the next couple of weeks.
  • The collections of bottles or chocolates for the Winter Event will take place on Friday 1st December with the actual event taking place on the evening of 7th December.

If you have any questions or wish to get involved in any aspect of the PTA please reach out to us at netherleepta@gmail.com.

PTA and Primary 1 Information and Meet the Teacher Evening
We look forward to welcoming our Primary One parents and carers at our Primary 1 Information and Meet the Teacher evening on Thursday 28th September 6.30-7.30pm.

Our wonderful PTA will be available from 6pm offering refreshments in our school Atrium. This will be a great way to find out more about PTA events and have a chat with other Primary 1 parents.  We will also have a slideshow playing at this time which has lots of lovely photographs of our P1 children enjoying life in P1 so far!

There will also be an opportunity to place badged uniform orders with our PTA at this time too. Rails with sample sizes will be made available.  Our pre-loved uniform rails will also be there for you to browse and help yourself to as well. We look forward to seeing you then.

Primary 1: People Who Help Us
Children’s ideas and interests are a key consideration when planning for our classroom and Open Area. The children were discussing the adults who help them in school, at home and the wider community. As we have stated in our previous Friday Bundle, ‘People Who Help Us’ is our current context for learning within Social Studies.

We are on the hunt for pre-loved role play and small world items (please note “small world” means very small items) related to this topic to support imaginative play. These are items that you would otherwise be throwing away that we can use to refresh our resources in the Open Area. For example, this may include police hats, stethoscopes, fire service helmets to name but a few!  In addition, we are also looking for any donations of emergency service small world toys, such as small police cars, fire engineers, life boats etc. If you have, and are finished with, any of these types of items, please place any donations into a bag and leave this in our Recycled Donations Box situated at the main school office entrance or in a carrier bag and given to the class teachers. Many, many thanks.

In addition, it is always interesting for the children to find out about professions in a real life context. We are welcoming parent and carers who would be willing to volunteer to come to the school to share information about their job and how they help the community. If you have a profession you think you could share with the children please do let us know. For example, this may include a visit from the fire service to discuss their role in keeping our community safe. If you think this is something you could help with, please drop us an email on schoolmail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk or give Jennifer McCann (Principal Teacher) a call on 0141 570 7260 to discuss in more detail.

Primary 6 Library Club
An after school P6 School Library Activity Reading & Book Club at Netherlee will be starting on a Monday 30th October 2023 from 3.15-4.15pm. The club will be Miss Irving  and will run for 4 weeks. Full details are below: If you think your child would be interested in attending, please complete the form here: https://forms.office.com/e/M7BkxEmxQN no later than 21/09/2023. In the event of oversubscription names will be balloted. All successful applicants will be notified and asked to complete a consent form via ParentsPortal.

Activity: P6 School Library Activity Reading & Book Club
Day and Time: Monday 3.15 – 4.15pm.
Dates:  30/10, 06/11, 13/11 and 20/11
Venue: Netherlee Primary
No. of pupils: 20
Cost: no cost

Primary 6/7 Dance Club
An after school P6/7 Dance Club at Williamwood High School will be starting on a Tuesday 31st October 2023 from 3.30-4.30pm. The club will run for 4 weeks. Full details are below.  If you think your child would be interested in attending, please complete the form here: https://forms.office.com/e/Me1zcS4TAP no later than 21/09/2023. In the event of oversubscription names will be balloted. All successful applicants will be notified and asked to complete a consent form via ParentsPortal.

Activity: P6/7 Dance Club
Day and Time: Tuesday 3.30 – 4.30pm.
Dates:  31/10, 07/11, 14/11 and 21/11
Venue: Williamwood High School (require to make your own way to and from the club)
Delivered by:  Miss A. Glen
No. of pupils: 10
Cost: no cost

Primary 7 Netball Club
An after school P7 Netball Club at Netherlee Primary will be starting on a Monday 30th October 2023 from 3.15-4.15pm. The club will be Miss Williams and will run for 5 weeks. Full details are below.  If you think your child would be interested in attending, please complete the form here:  https://forms.office.com/e/uib8tvLEbJ no later than 21/09/2023. In the event of oversubscription names will be balloted. All successful applicants will be notified and asked to complete a consent form via ParentsPortal.

Activity: P7 Netball Club
Day and Time: Monday 3.15 – 4.15pm.
Dates:  30/10, 06/11, 13/11, 20/11 & 27/11
Venue: Netherlee Primary
No. of pupils: 20
Cost: no cost

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

NNC Newsletter 15.09.2023

Hello everyone,

Thank-you to those who were able to attend our Stay and Play sessions this week. The children and staff just loved welcoming parents and carers into our nursery. They are such a valuable way to play alongside your child and to experience ‘a day in the life’ of your child here at Netherlee!

Personal Care Plans
Each child has a ‘Personal Care Plan’ which focuses on the wellbeing indicators (Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included) from Getting it Right for Every Child. Our Personal Care Plans allow parents to share information to identify next steps to support children’s learning and wellbeing within nursery or at home. These are sent home every six months. If you have recently received your child’s personal care plan to complete, please ensure these are returned to nursery as soon as possible- thank you.

Recycled Donations
We are always on the lookout for opportunities to make use of any old items that may otherwise be thrown away. These are items which we can use to support and enhance the children’s play and learning experiences in the nursery.  We would therefore kindly ask for any of the following items if you have them and are just about to dispose of them. Thank you.

  • Kitchen items and utensils (e.g. spoons, forks, whisks, pots, pans, salt/herb shakers)
  • Jigsaws
  • Measuring scales (e.g. kitchen scales)
  • Old telephone (landline)
  • Recipe books and recipe magazines

Diversity and Equality Parent & Carers Group
Our Primary 7 Diversity Councillors had our first, successful meeting on Wednesday and we are looking for adults with an interest or passion for celebrating Diversity and Equality here in Netherlee to join us. We are hoping to build on the success of our previous Diversity events, celebrating the wide range of religion, culture, gender and neurodiversity we have in our school community. We will meet the last Wednesday of each month, from 2.40pm- 3.10pm and you are welcome to come along to all or just some of the meetings. If you would like to be part of this group of if you have any further questions, please contact Mrs Kelly Linn at school mail SchoolMail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk.

Theme Day on 27th September
Please find attached ERC’s planned menu change for Wednesday 27th September. The allergy information is included. However, if you require further allergy or dietary information, please contact our catering team via the school office.
World Travellers Day NNC

A Note from PTA – Coming Together for our School and Nursery

Save the Dates – Fundraising Activities
Some of you may be aware that the PTA, volunteers and everyone who participates in any of the events help raise funds that support some of the extra items beyond the core school budget. Last school year this included items like sumdog subscriptions, new playground markings, sports equipment and the colour dash. Without the support of everyone, whether you volunteer, donate or participate in the events none of this would be possible so a huge THANK YOU for all your support! We hope everyone can get involved in some way again this school year and look forward to enjoying the fun across the school community.

As we mentioned in last week’s bundle the PTA are getting ready for 2023/24 with some fundraising activities planned for autumn and winter and have provided some dates to save below. We will shortly be sending out lists of all the activities and events where you or other family members can get involved in supporting our school, however in the interim if anyone would like to note their interest please email netherleepta@gamil.com.

  • Design a card project – Please see the attached flyer and hopefully you will find a form in your child’s school bag.
  • The Autumn Pumpkin Event is planned for Friday 27th October 6pm – 8pm  – Please see the attached flyer for a flavour of what to expect. More details of how you can get involved to follow in the next couple of weeks.
  • The collections of bottles or chocolates for the Winter Event will take place on Friday 1st December with the actual event taking place on the evening of 7th December.

If you have any questions or wish to get involved in any aspect of the PTA please reach out to us at netherleepta@gmail.com.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Friday Newsletter 08.09.2023

Hello everyone

Thanks to everyone who joined us at our Meet the Teacher Evening last night.  It was so nice to see such a large turnout of parents popping in to put a face to a name and say hello to their child’s new teacher.  Mrs Sweeney, Mrs Roberts and myself also thoroughly enjoyed chatting to many of you as you arrived and left the school too.  Please remember that we, all school staff, are here at any time, you don’t need to wait for scheduled meetings to talk to us about any worries or concerns you have or if you are looking for some help with something.  Please just get in touch with us at any time and we will do our very best to help.

Playgrounds Safety Before School
We are delighted that the children are settling back into school life and are coming into school calmly from 8.50am. We know you will appreciate that pick up and drop off times are busy and we would like to send out a reminder that all P2-7 children should be dropped at their school gates by their accompanying adult/s so that they can make their own way to their designated entry door. Parents and carers from P2-7 should not enter the playgrounds at drop off please. P1 parents and carers only can accompany their child to the P1 playground from 8.50am. As always, staff are placed at various gates and points to help children get to class safely.   Also, please remember that the playgrounds should be not be used as a thoroughfare at any point during the school day from 8.50am. Access to the front of the school and the nursery buildings, from our Clarkston Road gate, should be made via Linnpark Avenue or Netherlee Court. We appreciate your support with this safety matter. Thank you.  Mrs Sweeney (DHT)

Cultural Diet Form
To ensure that we have accurate and up to date records for all of our children, we are asking all parents, for whom this is appropriate, to complete the attached ERC Cultural Diet Meal Request Form, for your child.  You can also find a copy of this form on our website at any time.
Cultural Diets Meal Request Form (website copy)

Maths Week Scotland
We are delighted to share with you that our school and nursery will once again be taking part in Maths Week Scotland from 26th September – 29th September. This year the focus is ‘Maths in Motion’. Our Maths Champions, Child Development Officers (CDOs) and class teachers are busy planning and organising a variety of exciting, engaging and fun activities to enthuse our children in all things maths, but we would really like to involve our Netherlee parents and carers and we need your help please.

We would like to invite volunteer parents, carers and relatives to speak with the children about how maths ‘makes the world go round’ and is crucial and relevant to all of our day-to-day lives and work. As always, we want to continue to promote a positive attitude towards Maths across our nursery and school.

If you feel that you could share how your life involves maths, we would very much appreciate you coming into school and /or nursery to share your expertise, experience and knowledge. As the theme is ‘maths in motion’ your knowledge could be about maths through travel, sports, space, film, technology, time, financial education, decision making, problem solving, budgeting, planning or timetabling… anything at all! Our children really enjoy seeing ‘real life adults’ out with our school and nursery staff, they gain so much from these experiences and are always very keen to ask lots of questions!

If you would like to talk to us about how you could help us during Maths Week, please simply contact us via email at SchoolMail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk by Wednesday 20th September. If you are unable to visit us in person but are keen to share your knowledge and experiences, we would be delighted to arrange for you to speak virtually to the children over Google Meet or to even send us any material that you feel we could share with them.  Thank you very much for helping us and for volunteering in this way, if you can.  Lynn Sweeney (DHT)

Netherlee Budding Minds Seed Library
Netherlee Budding Minds over the course of the year has worked hard to engage with the whole school and nursery community to build confidence and excite all about gardening. To help us to achieve our RHS Level 5 Gardening Schools award, some of our children who have attended previous gardening clubs and our parent volunteer Helen, have made our first Seed Library. This will give the school and community access to a wide range of seed and also encourage us to collect and save our seed. The Library is also a point to access gardening books which can be taken out on loan to help build knowledge and learn new things. The Library will be positioned at the main reception area for our whole school and nursery community to use. If you have spare seed packets at home or if you have collected your own seed, please feel free to share them with us to include in our seed library. Please read the information flyer attached for the seed categories. We are an EcoSchools Flag school and nursery so we hope that this will help to reduce, reuse and recycle seeds and increase the biodiversity growing in our school and community gardens. Many thanks for your continued support.

Parent Council Meeting Highlights
Thank you to the Parent Council for producing the latest PC Meeting Highlights Newsletter. The first meeting was very productive and you can find the highlights can hereMeeting Highlights

A Note from the Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

*Coming Together For Our School*
The PTA is getting ready for 2023/24. Start getting your pumpkins carved and ready for our Pumpkin Trail in October and we are looking forward to another smashing winter fair. We will keep you updated and the school calendar at will be updated with further events and activities.

*Offer a smile and lend a hand*
If you can pack a uniform, sort tombola, pour a cup of coffee, hand out sweetie bags, stuff a sausage in a roll, be a Santa or do any such tasks, there is a place for you. None of this will be possible without the invaluable support from our parents and carers. A special shout out to all our new parents and carers, and any grandparents who said they want to get involved.  Email netherleepta@gmail.com with your contact details and let us know that you are here to help.

*Badged Uniform Sale*
We are pleased to let you know that our September uniform sale is now live until Monday, 25th September 2023. Please click https://www.pta-events.co.uk/netherleepta/ to place your order.  The uniform samples will be available to view in the main entrance to the school from Friday, 8th September until Thursday, 22nd September. We recommend that you do try on items for size as we do not keep a stock and cannot exchange items.  Netherlee PTA always strives to offer the best value and quality for our parents/carers, and we work closely with the school to ensure consistency. For that reason we would encourage you to purchase the school hoodie via the PTA.  We appreciate your continued support in this.

We hope stock will be delivered the week of 9 October. If you are able to help with the packing of the uniforms then email us at netherleepta@gmail.com

Further uniform sales planned for the year are:
* 12 – 26 January 2024
* 06 – 24 May 2024
* 27 May – 26 June 2024 (tentative date)

Community Events: Libraries
East Renfrewshire libraries have a fantastic range of free events and activities throughout the month of September. Pease visit the website: East Renfrewshire Culture & Leisure

Primary 1 Meet the Teacher and Information Session for Parents
Please see attached letter regarding P1 Meet the Teacher and Information Session on Thursday 28th September.
p1 info session letter 2023

Primary 4 and 5: After School Club
An after school P4-5 Gymnastics Club will be starting on a Wednesday from 3.30-4.30pm. The club will run for 4 weeks. Full details are as follows:

Activity: P4-5 Gymnastics Club (Williamwood High School)
Day and Time: Wednesday 3.30 – 4.30pm.
Dates:  04/10, 11/10,08/11 & 29/11
Venue: Williamwood High School (children must make their own way to and from the club)
Delivered by:  Miss F Glen
No. of pupils: 10
Cost: Free

If you think your child would be interested in attending, please complete the form here: https://forms.office.com/e/ng4xMAEyJV

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

NNC Friday Newsletter 08.09.2023

Hello everyone,

What beautiful weather we have had this week! The children have been having lots of fun in the sun with their friends, having their snack outside and keeping cool in the shade.

They have also loved taking part in Mini Kickers football sessions on a Wednesday afternoon, run by ERC football development. They have been practising lots of physical skills, including running, jumping, catching and kicking. Thank-you to Tommy Millar who has carried out the sessions with the children. They have had a brilliant time.
Mini Kickers

This week, music with the fabulous Mr Watson, our school music teacher, has also started. The children have been working on their rhythm and keeping to the beat whilst practising some singing. Mr Watson will alternate between the Acorns and the Saplings buildings each week, along with some P7 helpers too.

Playground Crossing
In order to minimise footfall and to ensure we can keep everyone safe, we kindly ask that parents and carers refrain from entering and crossing the P6/7 playground when dropping off and collecting children. Parents and carers should use the lane beside the pitch and enter/exit using the gate nearest the Acorns or Saplings building. Thank-you for your support.

Celebrating Wider Achievements at Netherlee
Recognising and celebrating children’s achievements is an integral part to Curriculum for Excellence and what we do in Netherlee. We currently share and celebrate our children’s achievements through our Nursery WOW Wall. For example, this may include winning a medal, taking part in a competition or simply have learnt a new life skill.

We also understand that recognising the achievements of the special adults in our children’s lives help to inspire our children to reach their goals and model the importance of resilience. We would also love to display the achievements of parents and carers with our children’s achievements on our WOW Wall for all to see! If you or your child has an achievement they would like to showcase, please send a picture of this with a small description to our email nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk.

We look forward to hearing about you and your child’s achievements and celebrating them at Netherlee.

Stay and Play
Please be reminded that our first Stay and Play sessions will take place next week (week beginning Monday 11th September).  These sessions are a fantastic opportunity to play together with your child and see our wonderful spaces and experiences. We kindly ask that a maximum of two adults accompany each child. We look forward to welcoming you to our nursery. Please speak to a member of staff when dropping off or collecting your child if you have not managed to sign up to a suitable slot but would like to join in.

Maths Week Scotland
We are delighted to share with you that our school and nursery will once again be taking part in Maths Week Scotland from 26th September – 29th September. This year the focus is ‘Maths in Motion’. Our Maths Champions, Child Development Officers (CDOs) and class teachers are busy planning and organising a variety of exciting, engaging and fun activities to enthuse our children in all things maths, but we would really like to involve our Netherlee parents and carers and we need your help please.

We would like to invite volunteer parents, carers and relatives to speak with the children about how maths ‘makes the world go round’ and is crucial and relevant to all of our day-to-day lives and work. As always, we want to continue to promote a positive attitude towards Maths across our nursery and school.

If you feel that you could share how your life involves maths, we would very much appreciate you coming into school and /or nursery to share your expertise, experience and knowledge. As the theme is ‘maths in motion’ your knowledge could be about maths through travel, sports, space, film, technology, time, financial education, decision making, problem solving, budgeting, planning or timetabling… anything at all! Our children really enjoy seeing ‘real life adults’ out with our school and nursery staff, they gain so much from these experiences and are always very keen to ask lots of questions!

If you would like to talk to us about how you could help us during Maths Week, please simply contact us via email at SchoolMail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk by Wednesday 20th September. If you are unable to visit us in person but are keen to share your knowledge and experiences, we would be delighted to arrange for you to speak virtually to the children over Google Meet or to even send us any material that you feel we could share with them.

Thank you very much for helping us and for volunteering in this way, if you can.  Lynn Sweeney (DHT)

Parent Council Meeting Highlights
Thank you to the Parent Council for producing the latest Meeting Highlights Newsletter. We had a very productive meeting and the highlights can be found hereMeeting Highlights

A Note from the Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

*Coming Together For Our School*
The PTA is getting ready for 2023/24. Start getting your pumpkins carved and ready for our Pumpkin Trail in October and we are looking forward to another smashing winter fair. We will keep you updated and the school calendar at will be updated with further events and activities.

*Offer a smile and lend a hand*
If you can pack a uniform, sort tombola, pour a cup of coffee, hand out sweetie bags, stuff a sausage in a roll, be a Santa or do any such tasks, there is a place for you. None of this will be possible without the invaluable support from our parents and carers. A special shout out to all our new parents and carers, and any grandparents who said they want to get involved.  Email netherleepta@gmail.com with your contact details and let us know that you are here to help.

Community Events: Libraries
East Renfrewshire libraries have a fantastic range of free events and activities throughout the month of September. Pease visit the website: East Renfrewshire Culture & Leisure

Community Events: Mini Kickers
Please see attached a letter East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure regarding their football mini kicker programme. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

NNC Friday Newsletter 05.09.2023

Hello everyone,

The children have adapted amazingly to the new routines and are showing great independence and resilience. They have been engaging in lots of lovely experiences this week; noticing their environment, solving problems together and chatting about their family.

Calendar of Events
Due to unforeseen circumstances, there have been a few small date changes to the calendar of events sent out last week.  An updated copy has been attached for your attention and the online school calendar, on the website, will be updated next week to reflect all events.

Stay and Play Sessions
Please be reminded that our first Stay and Play sessions will take place on the week beginning Monday 11th September. These sessions are a fantastic opportunity to play together with your child and see our wonderful spaces and experiences. Sign-up sheets will be made available next week (Monday 4th September) at our nursery doors for you to choose a suitable date/time. We kindly ask that a maximum of two adults accompany each child. If at all possible, younger siblings should not attend the sessions. We look forward to welcoming you to our nursery.

Child smile Tooth Brushing
Please find attached the Childsmile tooth brushing consent letter for the upcoming academic year. Your child will be enrolled in the tooth brushing programme automatically. You do not need to do anything. However, if you do not want your child to take part in the Childsmile tooth brushing programme please contact us via email (nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk) within two weeks of receiving this letter (Friday 15th September 2023).  Childsmile

Home Learning and Google Classroom
Next week, we will begin to issue information on how to access your child’s Google Classroom. Each month, we will post a home learning experiences grid (previously known as ‘learning links’) on this platform. This will feature some suggested activities that may be some fun activities for you and your child to do together.

Nursery Uniform
Nursery uniform is of course entirely optional. Should you wish to make a nursery uniform order, forms will be available from next week.  Forms should be completed and handed to the school office at the main entrance. We kindly ask that payments are completed by Friday 15th September using ParentPay. Please ask a member of staff at our nursery doors for a form should you wish to place an order. Please note that orders cannot be placed until payment is complete. Thank-you.

We also have a selection of pre-loved nursery sweatshirts and polo shirts available outside the Saplings nursery doors which are looking for a new home! Please help yourself to these from our Saplings building.

Chatter Café

All nursery and school parents and carers are very welcome to come along to our Chatter Café on Wednesday 13th September from 9:10am until 10am in our school Hub. This is an extremely informal opportunity to chat to members of the Leadership Team and to meet other parents and carers to share your thoughts and ideas about any aspect of Netherlee life! You’ll also be able to enjoy some tea, coffee and delicious home baking, made and served by a group of pupils too! Please do pop in if you can- we really look forward to seeing you.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Friday Newsletter 01.09.2023

Hello everyone,

Calendar of Events
Due to unforeseen circumstances, there have been a few small date changes to the calendar of events sent out last week.  An updated copy has been attached for your attention and the online school calendar, on the website, will be updated next week to reflect all events.

Chatter Café
All nursery and school parents and carers are very welcome to come along to our Chatter Café on Wednesday 13th September from 9:10am until 10am in our school Hub. This is an extremely informal opportunity to chat to members of the Leadership Team and to meet other parents and carers to share your thoughts and ideas about any aspect of Netherlee life! You’ll also be able to enjoy some tea, coffee and delicious home baking, made and served by a group of pupils too! Please do pop in if you can- we really look forward to seeing you.

Flu Vaccination Programme
Just a kind reminder that if you have not yet returned your child’s consent form, to please have this returned to the school office asap.

Uploading Homework to Google Classroom
Please find a helpful link to a document which gives step by step instructions regarding how to upload Home Learning tasks to Google Classroom. This is a fast and easy way to upload your child’s digital work in time for Feedback Friday!  The upload feature on Google Classroom should only be used for any digital items such as PowerPoint presentations, videos, photographs etc.

Like last session, Home Learning jotters will be provided for all children to record, gather and evidence their work. The jotters should be used to detail all learning that has taken place at home and will be a record of all home learning produced.  Could we kindly ask, in order to prevent our school email system from clogging up with large attachments, that any digital presentations be uploaded via Google Classroom only as detailed above, and not emailed to the school. Thank you for your continued support with this.

Celebrating Wider Achievements at Netherlee
We would like to continue to invite you to share information about a recent wider achievement that your child has done by completing the Wider Achievements form below. We are always looking for ways to recognise and celebrate our children’s wider achievements out with Netherlee. As detailed in our Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy, during stage assemblies each month, certificates are awarded to pupils who have really tried to uphold the Netherlee Values, for Effort and Progress and for Achievements within and out with school. For example, many of our children take part in extracurricular clubs and competitions, charity work or simply have learnt a new life skill. We will check this form regularly so that we can celebrate as many children’s achievements as possible.
Wider Achievement Form

Primary 1 and 2 Child smile Tooth Brushing
Please find attached the Childsmile tooth brushing consent letter for the upcoming academic year. Your child will be enrolled in the tooth brushing programme automatically. You do not need to do anything. However, if you do not want your child to take part in the Childsmile tooth brushing programme please contact us via email (schoolmail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk) within two weeks of receiving this letter (Friday 15th September 2023). Childsmile

P7 Residential Trip 2023-2024: Information Evening
One of the exciting aspects of being in P7 is our annual Residential Trip. With that in mind I would like to invite you and your child to an information evening in our atrium at 7pm on Tuesday 19th September to share the details of this.

We have made a booking with Scout Adventures Lochgoilhead (LGH) for 28th– 31st May and Liam from LGH will be joining us to lead a presentation and answer any questions you may have.

Children are welcome to come along to the meeting to find out about the residential week. We would ask that all children refrain from having their mobile phones out (if they have one) during this meeting.

After the meeting we will send further information in relation to the trip. We look forward to seeing you on 19th September.

Primary 7 Vision Screen/Health Check
Just a kind reminder that if you have not yet returned your child’s consent form, to please have this returned to the school office.

Have a lovely, sunny weekend, I think Summer is going to arrive at last! J

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Friday Newsletter 25.08.2023

Hello everyone

Dates for your Diary
It is with great pleasure that I share the calendar of events in school and nursery for the 2023/24 session. For your ease please see attached PDF, however please note that going forward all calendar updates will be made via the electronic website calendar. These will be updated on the calendar by the end of next week.  We are so delighted that we can welcome you into school and nursery at regular points throughout the session.  I hope you find that having these dates at the start of the session helpful.  Thank you for your understanding if any dates require to be changed due to unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances.  If this needs to happen we will of course give you as much notice as possible.

Water Bottles
We would like to remind all parents that children should bring reusable water bottles to school and can refill these at our water machines located throughout the building.

Flu Vaccination Programme
Children will be bringing home consent letters for the Flu Immunisation programme today. Please check their schoolbags. These require to be returned by Friday, 1st September please.

MMR Vaccines
Please see attached letter regarding children being fully vaccinated against measles.
MMR vaccine letter

Parent Council Meeting
We are really looking forward to our first Parent Council Meeting of the new session which will take place on Wednesday, 30th August at 7pm in our school Hub. If you are a new or existing parent, we would love to welcome you along! This is a great opportunity to meet other parents and carers and to also hear about and be involved in the life and work of our Netherlee school and nursery community. The agenda for the meeting is below:

Minutes of previous meeting
Head teacher report – including School and Nursery Improvement Plan (SNIP) review
PTA update
PC cluster collaboration
Parking Clarkston Road
Mobile phone community action
Update: Communications – Constitution review
Communication to PC members (WhatsApp group – Minute taking volunteers)
Membership update: Election of any new members, Resignations according to the constitution (non-attending members).

Community Event:
STEM Event at Barrhead Foundry
Come along with your family and friends to our interactive, inspiring exhibitions with some fantastic companies in the amazing world of STEM. From robots to VR and even electric cars!  Insp-Hire is an initiative geared towards targeting parents and carers of children and young people from ages 4-14 to learn about industry 4 and how this will impact their children. This event is FREE to attend, it’s great for a family fun day and lots for everyone to join in with some amazing prizes to be won throughout the day!  More information can be found here: Insphire Event and the attached flyer.
Insp-Hire Poster

Primary 1: Annual Data Check
Our annual data checks have been sent home with your child today, we would be grateful if you could please have a look over and update (if required) and return to the school office.

We use a digital system for data checks and consent forms for school trips and visits.  We would appreciate if you register with ParentsPortal.  Please note that you need to input the details used when registering your child with Netherlee Primary.  We would be grateful if you could sign-up by Friday 1st September.   If you have any issues, please contact the office via email to SchoolMail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk with as much information as possible, or screenshots of any issues.

Primary 1: People Who Help Us

Children’s ideas and interests are a key consideration when planning for our classroom and Open Area. The children have been discussing the adults who help them in school, at home and the wider community. As such, ‘People Who Help Us’ will be the context for learning within Social Studies.

We are on the hunt for pre-loved role play items related to this topic to support imaginative play. These are items that you would otherwise be throwing away that we can use to refresh our resources in the Open Area. For example, this may include police hats, stethoscopes, fire service helmets to name but a few! If you have, and are finished with, any of these types of items, please place any donations into a bag and leave this in our Recycled Donations Box situated at the main school office entrance or in a carrier bag and given to the class teachers. Many, many thanks.

In addition, it is always interesting for the children to find out about professions in a real life context. We are welcoming parent and carers who would be willing to volunteer to come to the school to share information about their job and how they help the community. If you have a profession you think you could share with the children please do let us know. For example, this may include a visit from the fire service to discuss their role in keeping our community safe. If you think this is something you could help with, please drop us an email on schoolmail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk or give Jennifer McCann (Principal Teacher) a call on 0141 570 7260 to discuss in more detail.

Primary 2 – Primary 7: Meet the Teacher
We are very much looking forward to welcoming our families to our P2-P7 ‘Meet the Teacher’ on Thursday 7th September from 6.30-7.30pm. This is a very informal opportunity for you to drop in, say hello to your child’s teacher and ’put a face to a name!

Our teachers are looking forward to introducing themselves to you and will be available from 6.30-7.30pm so please feel free to drop in for two minutes or to stay longer. Please note that due to the informal nature of the evening, teachers won’t be able to discuss your individual child in any detail, however you will of course be able to do this at our one to one parent/ teacher meetings in November.

The Leadership Team will also be available in the Open Area and/ or Atrium so please come along if you have anything that you would like to talk about.

Primary 3c: Art/Gardening Activities
We would be grateful if the children could bring into school a painting shirt (an old, oversized shirt or t-shirt) to protect their uniform during art/gardening activities, which will be kept in school.  Many thanks.

Primary 7: Vision Screening
Just a kind reminder that consent forms for P7 vision screening are coming with your child today and require to be returned by Friday, 1st September please.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

NNC Newsletter 25.08.2023

Hello everyone,

What a marvellous week we have had in Netherlee Nursery! The children are settling in really well and are becoming more confident with our daily routines, which is great to see! They have been enjoying playing and learning together and making lots of new friends.

Add-on Hours
Please find attached communication regarding Availability of Additional Hours to Purchase for Netherlee Nursery Class for next session.  If you have any queries on the attached, please don’t hesitate to call 0141 570 7260 or email nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk.
Add-On Letter

Stay and Play Sessions
Our first Stay and Play sessions will take place during week beginning Monday 11th September. These sessions are a fantastic opportunity to play together with your child and see our wonderful spaces and experiences. Sign-up sheets will be made available on the week beginning Monday 4th September at our nursery doors for you to choose a suitable date/time. We kindly ask that a maximum of two adults accompany each child. If at all possible, younger siblings should not attend the sessions. We are really looking forward to welcoming you to our nursery!

Home Learning and Google Classroom
Learning at home for nursery aged children should take place through everyday activities including play and general family life, such as food preparation, gardening, setting the table, sorting washing and cooking. It can also happen through curriculum related activities, home learning, reading and sharing books. Activities at home can be specifically designed to help you engage in your child’s learning and build upon playful learning experiences from nursery.

Each month, we will post a home learning experiences grid (previously known as ‘learning links’) on Google Classroom. This will feature some suggestions of fun, play based learning experiences that you may wish to complete with your child at home. These experiences will also give an insight into the children’s interests, learning focus and/or seasonal or cultural festivals.  You will receive Glow log in details and information regarding our Nursery Google Classroom in due course.

Parent and Carer Volunteers
Do you have a particular skill or interest? The children and staff would really love to learn from you!  We are welcoming parent and carers who would be willing to volunteer to come to the nursery to carry out an activity with our children based on particular skills or interests you might have, such as sewing, playing a musical instrument, dancing, gardening or woodwork.

Also, it is always interesting for the children to find out about professions such as emergency or health care services or a visit from a dentist to talk to children about looking after their teeth. If you have a profession you think you could share with the children, please do let us know! If you think this is something you could help with, please drop us an email at nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk or give Jennifer McCann (Principal Teacher) a call on 0141 570 7260 to discuss in more detail.

Cosy Corner
At Netherlee Nursery, we try hard to ensure our spaces mirror the home environment, where possible. In order to meet our children’s needs, we have established a ‘Cosy Corner’ in both our Nursery buildings. This space allows children the time and space to relax in a calm, comfy and safe environment. We will be continuing to add family photographs to these spaces to make these spaces even ‘cosier’. Should you wish to include a family photograph in our Cosy Corner, please send these in to nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk.

Dates for your Diary
It is with great pleasure that I share the calendar of events in school and nursery for the 2023/24 session. For your ease please see attached PDF, however please note that going forward all calendar updates will be made via the electronic website calendar. These will be updated on the calendar by the end of next week.  We are so delighted that we can welcome you into school and nursery at regular points throughout the session.  I hope you find that having these dates at the start of the session helpful.  Thank you for your understanding if any dates require to be changed due to unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances.  If this needs to happen we will of course give you as much notice as possible.

MMR Vaccines
Please see attached letter regarding children being fully vaccinated against measles.
MMR vaccine letter

Parent Council Meeting
We are really looking forward to our first Parent Council Meeting of the new session which will take place on Wednesday, 30th August at 7pm in our school Hub. If you are a new or existing parent, we would love to welcome you along! This is a great opportunity to meet other parents and carers and to also hear about and be involved in the life and work of our Netherlee school and nursery community. The agenda for the meeting is below:

Minutes of previous meeting
Head teacher report – including School and Nursery Improvement Plan (SNIP) review
PTA update
PC cluster collaboration
Parking Clarkston Road
Mobile phone community action
Update: Communications – Constitution review
Communication to PC members (WhatsApp group – Minute taking volunteers)
Membership update: Election of any new members, Resignations according to the constitution (non-attending members).

Community Event:
STEM Event at Barrhead Foundry
Come along with your family and friends to our interactive, inspiring exhibitions with some fantastic companies in the amazing world of STEM. From robots to VR and even electric cars!  Insp-Hire is an initiative geared towards targeting parents and carers of children and young people from ages 4-14 to learn about industry 4 and how this will impact their children. This event is FREE to attend, it’s great for a family fun day and lots for everyone to join in with some amazing prizes to be won throughout the day!  More information can be found here: Insphire Event.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class