NNC Friday Newsletter 26.01.24

Hello everyone,

Upcoming Events
Please have a look at the parent calendar, available on our Netherlee Website, to see all the dates and times of the various events coming up.  This link will take you straight there https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/er/sandnc/calendar.

Thank-you to all parents and carers who joined us for the stay and play sessions in the nursery this week. We hope you enjoyed a glimpse into the daily life of Netherlee Nursery!

Participatory Budgeting
Thank-you to all staff, pupils and parents/carers that voted this week our Participatory Budgeting local community project. The Young Leaders of Learning are delighted to announce that the most favourite suggestion and therefore the winning vote for the allocated budget of £1000 (£500 for school and £500 for nursery) is to be spent on equipment/resources to develop some areas within our existing grounds/ playgrounds to enhance learning outdoors. Thank you for your involvement –  Jen McCann.

Chatter Café
At our next Netherlee Chatter Café on Wednesday 31st January our Leadership Team and some of our Literacy Champions will be there to provide any further support and advice with reading at home and internet safety workshops. Please come along if you are interested, we would love to see you then.

Next Parent Council Meeting – Wednesday 31st January at 7pm in the school Hub
The next meeting of the school and nursery Parent Council will be at 7pm on Wednesday 31st January.  This will be in the Hub in the school.  We hope to see as many parents and carers as possible and as ever will hear from the school leadership team on a number of topics, with the opportunity for free and open discussion.  If you cannot come along but you have something you would particularly like us to raise at the meeting then please email netherleeparentcouncil@gmail.com. The agenda for Wednesday’s meeting is detailed below:

Feedback and closure of actions from previous meetings
SNIP priority – Digital Wellbeing (Mr Bryce + pupils)
Head Teacher Report
Traffic and parking update
PTA update
PC & PTA recruitment
Pitch maintenance – PC support
Participatory Budget update
P7 Transition, out with WWHS
School assessment – information.

Allergies (Saplings Building)
To ensure the safety of a child in the Saplings building, we kindly request that parents/carers refrain from bringing kiwi fruit into the nursery. In addition, please ensure that snacks you provide are nut free. Thank-you for your co-operation.

Parent/Carer Volunteers
We are always looking for new ways to involve our parents, carers and families in our school and nursery events. We are currently looking for volunteers to support our visits to Linn Park. There will always be a member of staff present with you and the children. If you would be happy to volunteer for this, please get in touch with us to find out more information via email at nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk .

Toys in Nursery
A gentle reminder that toys from home should not be brought to Nursery please unless required to comfort children. Thank-you.

Recycled Donations
We are always on the lookout for opportunities to make use of any old items that may otherwise be thrown away. These are items which we can use to support and enhance the children’s play and learning experiences in the nursery.  We would therefore kindly ask for any of the following items to enhance our junk modelling experiences if you have them and are just about to dispose of them. Thank you.

  • Various sized cardboard boxes (e.g. cereal boxes, delivery boxes, shoe boxes etc.)
  • Cardboard tubes (e.g. empty kitchen roll tubes)
  • Plastic/cardboard cartons and bottles
  • Buttons
  • Milk top lids

Keeping Children Safe Online Parent Workshop: Tuesday 6th February, Netherlee Primary School, 6.30pm-8.00pm
We are delighted to announce that to mark Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 6th February, the NSPCC will be delivering a workshop for parents ‘Keeping Children Safe Online’. The workshop will cover how to help children explore their favourite apps, games and sites safely, please see the link for a little more information. Please note, due to some of the content, the workshop is not suitable for children to attend. There is no charge, however, if you would like to attend please complete this Google Form – NSPCC Keeping Children Safe Online Registration.  In addition, the NSPCC are hosting a webinar, Online Gaming and Keeping Safe, on Wed 7th Feb 7.00pm-8.00pm. More details about the event and a link to register can be found in the Gaming Festival poster.

Free Activities and Events in East Renfrewshire Libraries in February
Please see the following link for all events in libraries during February library events

Have a wonderful weekend.

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