NNC Friday Newsletter 12.01.24

Hello everyone,

Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful holiday with your family.  It has been a delight to welcome your little ones back, reconnect with familiar faces and form new friendships. As we begin a new year, we are excited to see your children continue to blossom and progress here at Netherlee Nursery. Here’s to another year of learning, fun and laughter!

Upcoming Events
Please have a look at the parent calendar, available on our Netherlee Website, to see all the dates and times of the various events coming up.  This link will take you straight there https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/er/sandnc/calendar.

Diversity Month
Building on the success of last year’s Diversity events, all children in our school and nursery will be participating in Diversity Month during the month of February. We were incredibly lucky last year that lots of our parents and carers came in to share their cultural background with cooking, music, languages, dance and so much more and we would love to welcome even more of you again this year.

We have been looking at all themes of diversity during our Pupil Parliament time: race, gender, socio-economic, neuro, ethnicity and religion and wish to develop our Diversity Month even further to include more of these throughout the month.

If you feel this is something you would be able to help with, please contact Mrs Linn through school mail: SchoolMail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk. You are welcome to speak to individual classes or whole stages about your experiences and/or lead active sessions, with the support of school staff and we can work around a time that suits you best.
Stay and Play Sessions
Stay and Play sessions will take place on the week beginning Monday 22nd January. These sessions are a fantastic opportunity to play together with your child and see our wonderful spaces and experiences. Sign-up sheets will be made available next week (Monday 15th January) at our nursery doors for you to choose a suitable date/time. We kindly ask that a maximum of two adults accompany each child.  We look forward to welcoming you then if you are able to join us.

Parent and Carer Volunteers: Storytelling with Children
Reading together offers an opportunity for parents and children to connect. We are welcoming parents and carers to join us at the nursery for a lovely reading session with the children. You are welcome to browse from our collection of books, allowing the children to choose one of their favourites, or feel free to bring along a story from home! If this is something you would be interested in, please drop us an email on nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk or give Jennifer McCann (Principal Teacher) a call on 0141 570 7260 to discuss in more detail. In Nursery, we use the Hanen approach when story-telling. Please click here to find out some Hanen strategies you can also use to enhance storytelling at home.

Cosy Corner
At Netherlee Nursery, we try hard to ensure our spaces mirror the home environment where possible. We will be continuing to add family photographs to our spaces to make them even ‘cosier’. Should you wish to include a family photograph in our Cosy Corner, please send these in to nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk.

Celebrating Wider Achievements at Netherlee
Recognising and celebrating children’s achievements is an integral part to Curriculum for Excellence and what we do in Netherlee. We currently share and celebrate our children’s achievements through our Nursery WOW Wall. For example, this may include winning a medal, taking part in a competition or simply have learnt a new life skill.

We also understand that recognising the achievements of the special adults in our children’s lives help to inspire our children to reach their goals and model the importance of resilience. We would also love to display the achievements of parents and carers with our children’s achievements on our WOW Wall for all to see! If you or your child has an achievement they would like to showcase, please send a picture of this with a small description to our email nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk.

We look forward to hearing about you and your child’s achievements and celebrating them at Netherlee.

Recycled Donations
We are always on the lookout for opportunities to make use of any old items that may otherwise be thrown away. These are items which we can use to support and enhance the children’s play and learning experiences in the nursery.  We would therefore kindly ask for any of the following items to enhance our role play spaces if you have them and are just about to dispose of them. Thank you.

  • Kitchen items and utensils (e.g. spoons, forks, whisks, pots, pans, salt/herb shakers)
  • Measuring scales (e.g. kitchen scales)
  • Old telephones (landline)
  • Recipe books, newspapers and magazines

Home Learning Experiences
Learning at home for nursery aged children should take place through everyday activities including play and general family life, such as food preparation, gardening, setting the table, sorting washing and cooking. It can also happen through curriculum related activities, home learning, reading and sharing books. Activities at home can be specifically designed to help you engage in your child’s learning and build upon playful learning experiences from nursery. Please click here to view January’s home learning experiences grid, which features some nice voluntary experiences that you may wish you try at home together.

East Renfrewshire Culture & Leisure
Participating in sport can have many positive impacts on children’s lives including developing life skills such as respect, responsibility, confidence, compassion and friendship- all in an active environment. East Renfrewshire Culture & Leisure run over 100 sports classes for children each week from Indoor Athletics Classes, Badminton, Football, Tennis and so much more! You can search and learn about all their sports classes here: https://www.ercultureandleisure.org/sports-arts/sports/kids-sport-classes/

Have a wonderful weekend.

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