Category Archives: Uncategorized

Fairtrade Fortnight

Starting on the 27th of February we had a Fairtrade Fortnight. During the two weeks we investigated Fairtrade and it’s meaning. The children became Fairtrade Detectives and we even did some Fairtrade baking.

We made Fairtrade Crumbly Banana Squares.

We then got to eat them for our snack!

Some of the children went on a Fairtrade Hunt to the local Sainsburys where they found lots of Fairtrade items.

World Book Day

On Thursday 2nd March we celebrated World Book Day. The children came to nursery wearing their PJs and they brought their favourite bedtime story with them. Throughout the day, we shared their stories and enjoyed tea and toast for snack.


On Thursday the 9th February, the children took part in the Big Bird Watch. For one hour in the day, they had to observe the variety of birds coming into the garden and record how many of each kind they saw.

Before this, we made bird feeders to attract the birds into the nursery garden. dsc03819dsc03810


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Dams to Darnley Visit

On Friday we had a visit from Joe, a Countryside Ranger from Dams to Darnley. Joe told us some wonderful things even the teachers didn’t know! For example… did you know, bats eat over 3000 midges a night? Or did you know, frogs jump while toads walk? Or did you know you shouldn’t feed birds bread because it expands in their stomach?

Following the visit the children will make bird feeders to put in the garden to attract birds.

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Burns Day

To celebrate Burns Day on Wednesday the 25th January the children participated in a variety of activities including: tasting vegetable haggis, neeps and tatties, creating tartan pictures and some Scottish dancing.

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Ice Day

During their outdoor day the pink group discovered the variety of things you could do with ice…

You can write with it.


You can make ice soup.


You can see what shapes you can find.

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BookBug Sessions

This week the orange, pink and red group got the chance to attend a BookBug session. They read the story of “The Gingerbread Man” and enjoyed some nursery rhymes and songs in particular “Old McDonald had a Farm” and “Little Green Frog”.

Here are the words of “Little Green Frog” for you to try at home:

Mm mm went the little green frog one day
Mm mm went the little green frog
Mm mm went the little green frog one day
Mm mm went the little green frog!

But we know frogs go traa laa laa laa laa
traa laa laa laa laa, traa laa laa laa laa
But we know frogs go traa laa laa laa laa,
They don’t go mm mm mm!

Next week the purple and yellow group will enjoy a BookBug session.

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Nuts and Bolts

It is believed loose parts in our environment empower our creativity and this week the children have become very creative with some wood, nuts and bolts (loose parts are materials that can be moved, carried, combined, redesigned, lined up, and taken apart and put back together in multiple ways) .

Below are just some of the pictures of the children busy being creative. Some are working together to create a helicopter, others are working independently to make a windmill.p1050165



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Bookbug Sessions

This week the blue, white and green group all took part in a Bookbug session. At the session the children read the story “The Rainbow Fish” they sang songs and nursery rhymes including “1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive”, “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”, “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” and “Twinkle, Twinkle”. The children thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and the red, pink and orange groups are looking forward to their sessions next week.

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