Category Archives: Uncategorized

Food Bank Donation

On the last day of term the children wore their Christmas jumpers to nursery and were encouraged to bring a donation for the local food bank. We were able to fill the back of a very large car with all the donations. Thank you to everyone who donated!




Christmas Party

On Monday 19th December the children had their Christmas Party. They enjoyed party food, a little dance, party games and we even had a special visitor.

The children enjoying their party food.


Pass the Parcel



Our special visitor.

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Musical Statues. dsc04069 dsc04073

Primary One Stories

On Wednesday the 23rd December the nursery children were invited to the school to hear stories that the Primary 1 children had written. The children had great fun sharing the stories. Thank you Primary One!

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Theatre Visit

On Friday 9th December, the children had a visit from Grinagog Theatre Company to perform a special show “Max’s Christmas Wish”.

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This link should take you to a short clip:   mov03984

As you can see the children really enjoyed the visit and we want to say a big thank you to the Grinagog Theatre Company for such a good show.

Festive Fun!

Over the past week the Christmas fun has started.

The children received an Elf who has (I’m sure you have heard) been getting up to mischief.


Some of the children got to make a Christmas cake but they had to make a quick visit to the shops after we realised we didn’t have enough ingredients.



we decorated our Christmas trees.

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St Andrew’s Day

On Wednesday 30th November, the children wore tartan to nursery to celebrate St Andrew’s Day. They also had wonderful musicians from the school playing Scottish music and they had a very Scottish snack.

We enjoyed porridge for snack, made by the children using “Scott’s Porage Oats”.


We even had a jig to some live Scottish music.p1050686sam_0143dsc00501



Last week some of the children took the responsibility of snack. They wrote shopping lists, collected the items from the shop, wrote a menu for the other children and ate the items for snack.



Book Week Scotland

To celebrate Book Week Scotland, the children have been taking part in a variety of activities involving books. They all had a chance to visit Netherlee Library where they were able to listen to a story and look at various books.dsc00466





The Blue, Green and Red group also took part in a BookBug session. They sang nursery rhymes and read the story “I Want to be a Pirate!”


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Talking homework this week was about the children’s favourite book. Here are some of the responses:     

“Sharing a Shell” Luke 

“Princess Stories” Katie 

“Map Books – Atlas” Finlay

“Snow White” Riley

“Snail and the Whale” Harry

“Say Hello to the Snowy Animals” Carmen

“The Fish with Fingers” Finlay

“Handa’s Hen” Kate  

“Percy the Park Keeper” Grainne  

“Rhyming Rabbit” Blake 

“Barry with the Fish Fingers” Daniel

“The Gruffalo’s Child” Euan 

“I like princess stories” Zoya

“A sticker book” Hannah

“Stickman” Bruce

“Angelina Ballerina” Rosie

“Topsy and Tim” Macy 

“Snatch a Book” Megan    

“Peppa Pig” Amy 

“The Little Mermaid” Lucy

“Robot Rumpus” Callum

“A book about boats” Orlin     

“Stickman” Maria       

“Thomas the Tank” Antony     

Paper Dolls” Elizabeth

For more information about Book Week Scotland please visit:



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Last week the Yellow, Orange and Purple group went over to the Pavilion to take part in a BookBug session. When they were there the children used puppets to sing songs and they read the story “Henrietta’s First Winter”. This week the Blue, Green and Red group will get the opportunity to take part in a BookBug session. Keep an eye out for the BookBug sticker on your child! bookbug_sticker dsc00388dsc00419dsc03796dsc03800dsc03814

Fine Motor Control

This week the children have been working on their fine motor control. They have been doing various activities to strengthen the muscles in their hands. One of the activities was threading, where the children had to thread pasta and cut up straws onto wool to make a very stylish necklace.

