BookBug Sessions

This week the orange, pink and red group got the chance to attend a BookBug session. They read the story of “The Gingerbread Man” and enjoyed some nursery rhymes and songs in particular “Old McDonald had a Farm” and “Little Green Frog”.

Here are the words of “Little Green Frog” for you to try at home:

Mm mm went the little green frog one day
Mm mm went the little green frog
Mm mm went the little green frog one day
Mm mm went the little green frog!

But we know frogs go traa laa laa laa laa
traa laa laa laa laa, traa laa laa laa laa
But we know frogs go traa laa laa laa laa,
They don’t go mm mm mm!

Next week the purple and yellow group will enjoy a BookBug session.

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