Primary 3 have had such a busy term!
Not only did we learn a lot in maths and literacy we also finished our Local Area topic and started The Egyptians!
Highlights from the term include our Messibat Siddur, which we were so proud of.
We all enjoy using our new green siddurim at Tefila and Kabbalat Shabbat each week.
One of our favourite weeks was World Book Week!
Throughout the school we celebrated our love of books with activities such as going on a Book Hunt around the school, paired reading with different classes, designing book tokens and even going a ‘Speed Read’!
Primary 7 hosted a Book Café for us to go and read, discuss books and chat about why they enjoy reading. This was our absolute favourite activity of the whole week!
On Friday we performed one of Roald Dahl’s revolting rhymes at assembly. The whole school found it really funny!
A very special moment was when we completed a sponsored run in memory of Noya. We did this with the Primary 7s in the park. It was a cold and rainy day but the run was very important and we all tried our very best.
Here we are doing our best Usain Bolt impression before we went to the park.
Some of us ran so fast we actually thought we could run in the Olympics!
We have been enjoying our Egyptian topic. Our favourite things were making mummies and mummifying tomatoes!
We all hope we have mummified the tomatoes neatly enough to allow them to enter the “tomato afterlife”. The blue group even named their tomatoes after Pharaohs!
We also learnt a song about making mummies, it is a bit gruesome but we will sing it to you if you ask nicely!
We ended the term with the Sedar. We all had a lovely morning in the hall with the rest of the school!
We hope next term will be just as fun!