All posts by Mrs Fry

Welcome to P5a

A warm welcome to the P5a blog!

We have had a fantastic start to the new school year and the pupils have settled in really well. Miss MacMillan and Mrs Fry have enjoyed getting to know the children and finding out all their exciting summer news.

Our learning 

Morven – In PE, we have been learning to play tennis. We were learning about the different ways you can hit the ball. We practised rallying with a partner.

Daisy – I am excited about the Africa topic we are starting because we are going to be looking at African art and I really like art. Literacy has also been fun because we got to listen to a movie and guess what it was about before watching it. My prediction was quite close!

Lewis – I have enjoyed practising my times tables. We went round different stations and I liked playing bingo, the card games and going on the chromebook.

Numeracy activities