P5A’s Learning This Week

Miss MacMillan  and Mrs Fry are really happy with the feedback from parent’s night and we are so proud of every single pupil’s progress! Well done Primary 5 🙂

Murdo- In writing we have been learning how to structure a story with a beginning, middle and end (plot).
Ava-  We have been learning how to answer literal questions.

Yi Chen- The triangles have been dividing 2 digit numbers.
Mariam- The squares have been learning how to multiply and divide by 6 and 7.
Jamie MacK- The circles have learning about function machines.

Ace- We have been learning about Scottish Inventors. We researched to create a mind map and a fact file.

Expressive Arts:
Sophie B- In drama, we were learning about hot seating. It was based on Scottish Inventors! We had to a play guessing game where the person in the hot seat within each group had to guess the invention. Then the person in the hot seat in front of the class had to take on the role of an inventor.

Health and Wellbeing:
Ethan- We have been learning how to dribble and shoot in hockey. We were playing games like King of The Ring and hockey tig.

Myra- We have started the topic of Sikhism and we had to research on the Chromebooks things about the religion (Holy book, place of worship, symbol, important people, important festivals and interesting facts).

Outdoor Learning:
Evie- We were “looking closely” at nature outside using different types of magnifying equipment and we drew and labelled what we could see (part of the RSPB Wild Challenge).