This Week In P5a…

Sophie B- We were learning about fact and opinion through our class novel Matilda.
Lucas- We were writing about our heroes.

Ace- The circles were learning how to tell the time.
Murdo- The triangles were learning how to add 3 digit numbers.
Inaaya- The squares were learning how to divide by ten, one hundred and we practised BODMAS.

Isam- We made a google Sway.

Sophie C- We did an air resistance experiment where we made parachutes from different materials and different shapes to see which was the best.

Christopher- This week we were continuing our prototypes and we were learning about marketing.

Health and Wellbeing:
Heena- In Healthier Minds, we were learning about what to do if we feel anxious and who to tell.
Kerr- In the MUGA we were continuing athletics. We did a team game where we had to either place a tennis ball in someone elses or take it out. Whoever had the least amount in their hoop won a point.


Lewis- P5a also had a turn of being prefects today! We had different roles in P1-4. It was hard work but very fun!