Week Beginning 21st March

The Triangles have been learning about fractions this week. We have been learning about the different parts of a fraction – the numerator and denominator. We have also been comparing fractions and deciding which ones are bigger or smaller.


On Monday we did an information hunt during literacy. We had a text and we had to look for different information in the text, we had to skim the text quickly to try and find the information quickly.


When we went to Eastwood this week we got to play in a rounders competition. There were four teams called the Crunchy Croissants, Chicken Turkeys, Squidward Squad and the Crusty Crab. We had boundaries and we had to try and get as many home runs as we could, if you went outside the boundary you were eliminated. It was a lot of fun and the sun was shining.


We created different habitats as part of our wild challenge award. We chose the animal we wanted to create a habitat for and thought about camouflage, safety, food sources and the animals comfort. P2 came to see what we had created and really enjoyed looking at the habitats and we enjoyed being able to teach the P2s about different habitats.

Sophie B

During Health & Wellbeing we were learning about smoking and alcohol. We had lots of discussions about the bad impact they can have on your health and whether they should be banned.
