P5a’s Learning Week

Taylor- In writing, we were learning about persuasion and we created an email to whoever we wanted to persuade them about our own cause.
Daisy- We have been continuing to learn the skills before, during and after reading and we used this to help us answer questions about our reading books.

Evie- The squares have been learning about data handling and creating bar charts. We were also learning how to convert kilograms and grams.
Ace- The circles have been learning about compass points, angles and turns to follow directions. We were also learning about weight.
Olivia- We have continued bus stop division (dividing two digit numbers) by 8 and 9. We also continued learning about the properties of 3D shapes.

Outdoor Learning:
David- We were learning how to tell the age of trees! We measured the circumference and used a calculator to divide it by 2.5 to find out how old they are.

Christopher- We learned the Easter story by looking at different religious artwork and working out what we could see and what they were doing. We also learned about how they made paint thousands of years ago with eggs and stones- which is why Jesus always had blue on because the blue pigment comes from a blue precious stone (Lapis Lazuli).

Social studies:
Myra- We were exploring the features of online maps and we identified the similarities and differences between online and paper maps! We then had a challenge to find places.

Health and Wellbeing:
Cormac- We have continued PE at Eastwood High to learn different sports from the 6th year leaders.
Sophie C- We were also learning about the effects of smoking on the body! We then labelled the body and what smoking does to these organs and we made a leaflet to warn people about it.