This Week in P5a…

Taylor- In writing we continued learning about flashbacks. This week, the flashback was about where a characters fear came from!
Myra- We used the chapter of our reading homework to answer comprehension questions.
Inaaya- We  have been learning about the reading skill of questioning. We did a question generator task based on our reading homework and we also made chatterboxes where we included different questions about Alice in Wonderland that a pair had to pick colours and answer.

Olivia- We have been revising bus stop division. We were dividing 2 digit numbers by 2, 3, 4 and 5.  We also learned about 3D shapes by creating them ourselves and we went on a shape hunt around the school and took pictures on the iPod. Then,  we looked at the pictures on board  and labelled (vertices, edges and faces).
Maya- We continued learning about data handling. We used data from our surveys to create a bar chart! We also continued to estimate, measure and convert lengths outside in the playground and around the school using metre sticks and trundle wheels.
Cormac- We have been learning to identify different angles and we also learned about complementary and supplementary angles.

Outdoor Learning:
Daisy- As part of our RSPB award we created poems about the weather and we shared them with the class!

Health and Wellbeing:
Isam- We have continued our PE lessons at Eastwood High. Our groups have been learning how to play tennis, netball and football.

Social Studies:
Kerr- We did a mapping from memory activity in groups about the cities in the UK. We had to look at the board (facing away) and then run to our map to pin point and colour each city.



World Book Day:
David- We watched a stream where the author read a book to us called Battle Bunny. We then made a black out poem where we circled the words we wanted from a rabbit fact file and blocked out the rest with drawings to turn it in to a rabbit poem.
Then we had a party with snacks!!!