P5A’s Learning This Week

Apologies parents and carers for not posting last week as I (Miss MacMillan) was absent due to COVID! So glad to be back with P5a I really missed them when I was isolating.

Inaaya- We have been learning how to answer various questions in comprehension.
Christopher- In writing we have been learning how to add direct speech. We continued a story and had different objects to help us form ideas.

Matthew- The circles have been learning about the nets that make up 3D shapes.
Jamie F- The squares have been learning about factors and product. We also did problem solving about measure.
Murdo- The triangles have been learning how to multiply by 8 and we also learned about grid references.

Health and Wellbeing: 
Kerr- We had a visitor (virtually) to discuss things we are proud of and things we are good at. He had an inspiring story about growing up small and being bullied.
Maya- We have practised Scottish ceilidh dances like the Gay Gordons and Canadian Barn Dance.
Daisy- We had an visitor from the Young Carers Support team who taught us about the role of a young carer and how we can get help and support if this affects us.

Talking and Listening:
Sophie B- We have been practising our lessons that we will teach next week. I have been practising an art lesson to teach a small group!

Sophie C- We used music chrome lab to recreate a nursery rhyme! Then we made up our own nursery rhyme with our own lyrics too.