Our Learning Week

I’m glad to hear everyone had a lovely Halloween weekend! I hope you all had a fun Break The Rules Day (you all looked great) and I also hope you have a great Guy Fawkes night.

Kerr- In writing, we were learning how to write a plot to an imaginative story. Our story was based on Bonfire Night!
Cormac- We have been learning about literal questions.

Isam- The circles have been learning how to divide two digit numbers with exchanging and remainders.
YiChen- The triangles have been practising how to multiply two digit numbers with exchanging.
Evie- The squares have been learning how to multiply by six and we have been revising 3D shapes.

Health and Wellbeing:
Harley- This week in our Growth Mindset topic, we were learning about doom words. Doom words are words that restrict our learning.
Jamie- We also finished off football in the Muga and now we are learning how to dribble… but in hockey!

Myra- We have continued learning about COP26. We were in groups with discussion cards and had to share and compare our ideas with other groups. We also wrote our #PromiseToThePlanet on a leaf and made a Tree of Promises!

Expressive Arts:
David- We have started a block of drama lessons! Today we were learning about mime.

Outdoor Learning:
Lucas- We have been practising orienteering again this week, except, this time we picked where we were going to put our markers! We circled it on the map and swapped for other groups to find them.


Morven- We continued our learning about primary and secondary sources. This week, we came up with our own research questions, looked through sources, created headers and took notes on our chosen era.

Jamie- We finished off learning about Show Racism The Red Card and we finished our posters!

Well done P5a our display looks amazing 🙂