Our Two Short Learning Weeks!

Due to the September weekend taking place, we decided to merge our two short learning weeks together in to one big blog post!

David- We have been learning the skills of skimming and scanning!
Sara- Last week we learned how to describe a character in our writing and this week we have learned how to describe setting.
Zara- We have been practising the sound ‘long a’ in spelling.

Myra- This week was Maths Week Scotland so we did lots of fun activities to complete and we discussed how Maths is used in the real world.
Myra- The circles have been learning all about factors!
Taylor- The squares have been learning how to divide 2 digit numbers.
Ava- Last week we were practising division and now we have been learning about thousands, hundreds, tens and units (place value).

Jamie MacKenzie- We have been learning about role models. We researched our own role models and presented them in class today

Heena- We have been learning about African food! Last week, we learned about where different fruit and vegetables come from in Africa and how they grow and we did a Kahoot quiz afterwards. We also learned about African meal times and traditions and compared it to Scottish meals! We drew a plate of half an African meal and half Scottish.

Jamie MacKenzie- This week we learned about where chocolate comes from, how it is made and Fair Trade. We had a class debate about Fair Trade products and then we did a chocolate taste test to see if we could predict which one is Fair Trade!

Expressive Arts: 
Christopher- Last week we were practising being able to draw from observation. We drew a closed umbrella and an open umbrella using chalk and charcoal using lines, shapes and patterns. This week, we continued our drawing skills but we focused on  design and style- where we had to create sunglasses for a certain type of person!    

Outdoor Learning: 
Mariam- We were using our senses to explore the woodland last week! We closed out eyes and listened for sounds, we smelled the grass and then we collected objects for our partners to touch with their eyes closed to see if they could guess what it was. This week we collected items and we had to use them for a performance in our groups! It was really funny.