Crazy Christmas Fun Filled Week

In Art this week, we were painting our own designs or pictures using different colours  to show our emotions. – Nicole

The 2 colours that make me feel anxious and lonely (grey and aqua marine), I put to the edge of the paper so that you could still see them but not that much. I then put the bright colours (red, orange, yellow and green) that make me happy, in the middle. This represents that happiness can beat sadness. – Lily-Anne

On Thursday and Friday in Art, we are learning how to cross stitch.  To cross-stitch you need to have a piece of wood or felt with holes in it and weave the string through the holes. We were practising going through the holes diagonally and vertically. – Finn

This week we had out Christmas parties. We played some games and Maddie won one of the games. We also had crisps, sweeties and juice. It was fun and I was very tired after it. – Joshua

In Literacy, we read a poem called She Asked and it was about a snowman who wanted to read books and a girl brought him books and it made the snowman happy. The Evaluators were learning about characterisation. We used STEAL to help us. S means speech – we looked at what the characters were saying and if it meant anything to help us work out more about the character. – Arjun

T means thoughts and this is what the characters think and if it means anything about their personality. E stands for effects and it’s the effect of someone’s speech or actions on another characters. – Alexander

A stands for actions and this is what the characters do to one another and we were working out what this tells us about the character. L stands for looks and this is what a character’s appearance is like. – Carla

After they had finished filling out their STEAL sheet, the P5’s wrote an extension to the poem. We are going to try and record these being read aloud and post them on the blog or Google Classroom. – Amy

The Analysers and recorders drew out each event in the poem and put them in order to show the beginning, middle and end. – Maddie

On Wednesday, after school the P5’s sand some carols to lots of family and friends. My favourite was The 12 Days of Christmas because I liked that it had lots of quick phrases and was repeated. – Alexander


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