22.4.22 – Arjun’s Amazing Blog

In maths, the Dedicated Decimals and the Flawless Fractions have been learning about time. We have been learning how to read different timetables and have been learning how to calculate time durations. It has been fun and challenging! ~ Arjun

The Marvellous Multipliers were playing a relay race during maths to help them with their division work. It was fun! ~ Olivia-Rose

In Literacy we have been learning about fact and opinion. We had to read a text and answer questions about facts and opinions. A fact is when something is true/you can prove it and an opinion is what you prefer/think. ~ Arjun

On Wednesday we were creating mandalas in Art. Throughout the next few weeks we are going to build them up because we are raising awareness about the war in Ukraine. ~ Ellis

On Thursday we were doing gymnastics with Mr McMillan. There were three stations. A springboard where you had to jump over a horse, balance benches where you had to balance in the middle of an upside down bench and the last station was mats were you had to do a shoulder stand, forward roll or a cartwheel. ~ Sam

Today, during assembly the Easter Craft competition winners were announced. Ellis, Amy and I all won a certificate. Ellis won the ‘funniest’ award, Amy won the overall Stevenson House award and I won the overall Fleming House award. ~ Finn

We are very proud of Finn, Amy and Ellis!

In Social Studies we are going to be looking at business enterprise. We are hoping that we will be able to create our own charity for Ukraine and raise some money to help.~ Eilidh

P4 watched a video which told us what to do if there is an emergency. The first thing you would do to help the person would be to check for danger, secondly you would see if the person could respond to you, if they don’t then you would maybe have to shout/call for help. You would then check to see if the person was breathing. We have started our Heart Start training! ~ Maddie

In PE we were doing a relay race around the muga and there were different obstacles that we had to pass. The first one was jumping over three hurdles, then the next person had to do a long jump and then the other person had to run back to the start point. ~ Arjun

We are very proud that we have achieved our Bronze Wild Challenge Award and we are hoping that our certificates will arrive next week.

Today is Mrs Ferguson’s birthday and we hope she has a lovely weekend celebrating!

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