International Mother Tongue Languages Week

On Monday 21st Feb it was Mother Tongue Language Day and we learned different songs in different languages. The P5’s song was in Spanish and it was very catchy and we had fun learning it. – Isaac

The P4’s were learning Italian and the Italian song was hard to learn but fun to sing. Our song was about a crocodile and lots of different animals. Il cane is Italian for a dog. – Joshua

Pecora in Italian means sheep, crocodrillo means crocodile and la rana means frog. – Arjun

The P1’s were learning British sign language, the P2’s were focusing on French, the P3’s were learning vocabulary in Punjabi and Urdu, the P6’s were doing Scottish Gaelic and the P7’s were learning some German. – Olivia-Rose

Every class has also made up labels for different rooms around the school in different languages. – Alexander

On Thursday we were recording an assembly with the whole school and we wore our country flag’s colours. Have a look on our Twitter page for photos! – Lily

Today, sadly is Miss Malloch’s last day so we are having a little party for her this afternoon. We are going to miss you and we think you are a really good teacher.  – P4/5

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