Super Spectacular Scottish Determined Dancers

The first dance that we learned was The Canadian Barn Dance. It was so much fun and easy to learn. First you need to get yourself a partner. Then the tallest person would stand on the inside and put their right arm around their partner’s waist. The shorter person would put their left hand on their partner’s shoulder. – Lily-Anne

After that you step forward 3 times and then hop and then walk backwards for 3 and hop again. Then you go out to the side by stepping apart from your partner and clap, then you come back in, face your partner and hold their hands. – Amy

Then you should step to the side 2 times and then 2 steps the opposite way. After that you step hop (or waltz) in a circle for 4 steps. – Subhan


The next dance we learned was the Military Two Step. First you get into a pair and with your outside foot you go heel toe, heel toe and then take 3 steps forward with your partner. Then turn into your partner and repeat heel toe, heel toe and forward for three again. After that, face your partner and jump, kick, jump kick with opposite feet each time and then turn your partner round. Lastly, you waltz 4 times. – Sam

Today we learned a new dance called The Dashing White Sergeant. We had to get into a group of 3 and we joined up with another group of 3. Then we all held hands and jumped round in a circle for 8 and then we went the opposite way for 8. – Isaac

The person in the middle of each group of 3 turned to the left and did a little jump to each side and linked arms. The person in the middle turned and repeated this with their other partner. – Ellis

I really liked all the dances but my favourite was The Military Two Step because I like the jump kick part. – Eilidh


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