Book Week Scotland

This week is Book Week Scotland and we’ve been doing activities based on books. – Ellis

We have been reading a book called Look Up. It was about space and the Phoenix Meteor Shower. – Maddie

We were making meteors because the book was about meteor showers and this represented the book we were reading. – Roslyn and Alexander

We had a sheet of card and we cut it into 2 strips of different sizes, then we bent them in cylindrical shapes. After, we used art straws to connect them both together and taped the art straw to the card. – Finn

Before we put them into cylinder shapes, we decorated them with different colours and different shapes. After we made them all, we tested them with the lights on and off by throwing them and we were trying to see whose when the furthest and why. – Isaac

The meteors that went the furthest had longer cylinders. – Yujoe

As it is Book Week Scotland, we have had D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything and Read) where we drop everything and read our books as this gives us a time to read our books in class. – Lily-Anne


Today we were making wriggling worms because in George’s Marvellous Medicine, George’s Grandma liked eating slug and worms. – Joshua

We made a medicine with gummy jellies, baking soda and water. We put enough water in until the baking soda dissolved. – Carla

When we put the jellies in the cup of vinegar, it started to fizz and bubble a lot. There was a chemical reaction. – Sam

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