Arty Party!

This week we started 2 big art projects. There are 2 projects we could choose from.  Most of us chose the Thandiwe Muiri artist and she is a photographer. In her artwork she has an abstract background and her models wore clothes with the same pattern and colour as the background. – Lily-Anne

5 people chose to recreate the Enfant Precoce artwork and his artwork is cartoon-y and unrealistic. Enfant uses weird shapes in his art. – Arjun

We had to draw characters and cut them out. These were weird and out of proportion.

We have been recreating our own patterns similar to those in photos. We are making background and capes/ vests. – Sam

Have a look at what P4/5 have created so far below. We are looking forward to showing you our final masterpieces next week!

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