Busy Bees’ Brilliant Blog

In P.E., we played basketball with Mr McMillan and we were learning how to pass the ball with chest passes and bounce passes. – Finn

We played basketball matches where we all had a partner to block. This helped us develop our defence skills. – Carla

In Maths, I have enjoyed making factor rainbows and factor trees. Factors are numbers which multiply together to make a number. – Alexander

In Numeracy and Maths the Flawless Fractions group have focused on revising the 6 and 7 times table. We can now multiply single and 2-digits. – Eilidh

This week we have focused on the 3 times table, using the numicons to help us. – Lily

We also practised the 2 times table. I now feel confident doubling and halving numbers. – Joey

I really enjoyed playing the roll and write game in maths this week. We used a dice to practice multiplying numbers. – Maddison

In Art and Social Studies we were focusing on different African artists. This week we looked at artwork by Enfant Precoce. We learned that he draws weird shapes and characters. The colours he uses are bright and bold. – Subhan

The pupils asked to study different African art and artists as part of our Africa topic this term. We will study 4 different artists including their background, style and techniques and describe the visual elements of tone, pattern, colour and line. We will self-assess against our success criteria once we have studied all 4 and try to replicate the style of some of their artwork with our own masterpieces.

In Literacy today, we were learning how to do joined up handwriting. It was tricky to begin with as this was the first time I did it but it got easier.  – Matthew

P4/5 were busy this afternoon (Friday) working in teams to complete a STEM challenge. They were challenged to communicate with their peers and show off their artistic flare to build a successful marble run. We all thought they were fantastic!