Exchanging Change, Making Fruit Salad and Eid!

Welcome back to our blog! We have been working so hard in class and can’t wait for you to read an update about our learning.

We have been continuing to explore Money. We have been learning about the following:

  • The value of coins
  • Learnt how to calculate change up to £20 using subtraction
  • Learnt how to use vertical calculations to solve change
  • Explored the different ways to pay for items

‘We have sorted the coins in order from the lowest value to the highest.’ – Isabella and Qasim

We practised making amounts, however, we are beginning to use the least amount of coins to pay for items!

‘I am making different values of amounts using the least amount of coins.’ – Ava

‘We were in groups making different amounts using the least amount of coins.’ – Jace

‘You want to use the least amount of coins because it is easier to calculate amounts.’ – Harrison

During our germs and diseases topic, we linked in our Maths skills by completing a survey! We discussed a variety of common diseases and illnesses. We learnt ways to prevent ourselves from getting ill or how to make ourselves feel better.

‘On the survey, we asked each other who had illnesses such as Covid-19, cold or flu.’- Hasan

‘We used tally marks to gather information.’ – Jamie

At the end of collecting information, we analysed our data and determined which illnesses were the most common and least common.

We have been using Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as a context for learning!

Whilst learning about Predictions, we designed our own book cover! We predicted what the front cover looked like without seeing it! We used the title and the blurb as a clue to help us!

‘A prediction is when you use clues to help you think about what is going to happen next.’ – Jace

Look at how creative our front covers are!

To promote healthy eating, we learnt how to create a fruit salad using different techniques such as the claw grip and bridge hold.

In these pictures, you will see us being SUPER CHEFS! We remembered to wash our hands, learnt how to be safe with sharp utensils and are able to safely cut and prepare a variety of fruits.

We can’t wait to make this at home!

Last week, we learnt about Eid. Some of us, were super brave and presented at our school assembly to share our learning!

Mrs Amin gave us some traditional Eid dessert which is called Gulab Jamin. It was yummy and delicious!

What a busy week it has been! We cannot wait for next week! Have a wonderful weekend, superstars!

Love, Mrs Amin xxx

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