Cave Paintings, Fractions and Adjectives!

Welcome to another week of amazing learning in Primary 3a! It has been an extremely busy week. We have enjoyed using our imagination across all curricular areas!

Numeracy and Mathematics

We have continued working very hard learning about fractions. We can now identify half and quarter of a shape and have also been learning how to split a line into halves and quarter. We have been using a fraction wall to help support our understanding of which fraction is bigger!

‘The bottom number tells us how many equal parts there are. The smaller the number, the bigger the equal part.’ – Fara

‘We made a Fraction Man. We split the paper into a whole, quarter and halves.’ – Hasan

‘I only used one piece of paper to create my whole, half and quarter. As I cut each fraction part, the piece of paper got smaller.’ – Harrison

During our Mental Maths starters, we have been practising our Subitising skills. We are continuing to develop our ability to instantaneously recognise the number of objects in a small group without the need to count them individually.

We play loop cards to enhance our mental maths when solving calculations.


This week we have been completing Kung Fu Punctuation! This is an active approach to help us learn about capital letters, full stops, finger spaces, commas and question/exclamation marks.

We worked in teams to solve Mrs Amin sentences. She was extremely tired and forgot the punctuation within her story! Oops Mrs Amin!

We have been learning about adjectives! We were finding adjectives within our reading book. Adjectives will allow us to make our writing ideas and stories more interesting and captivating. It will also provide the reader with more information about our characters and setting.

‘An adjective is a describing word. An adjective describes a noun.’ – Gurleen

‘A noun is a word which is a place, thing or person. An adjective describes a noun.’ – Scarlett

The Stone Age – Cave Paintings

Cave paintings are a type of art, found on the wall or ceilings of caves. They originate from the Stone Age! We explored a variety of Paintings from the Stone Age which sparked interesting conversations. We learnt new vocabulary and had the opportunity to discuss our feelings and thoughts related to each painting.

We captured the ethos of the people who lived in the Stone Age and created our own Cave Paintings! We were only allowed to use materials that were existent in the Stone Age. Although this was challenging, we used our problem solving skills and imagination to create our paintings!

We mushed berries to create paints and different colours.’ – Oscar

‘We used sticks to paint as that is what was used in the Stone Age.’ – Charlotte

‘We used our nature skills to create paintings using outdoor materials. ‘ – Kerr

Although it was a short week, it was an incredibly busy week for sure! Well done for working extremely hard throughout Term 1 boys and girls. You have all settled amazingly in to class and have been such a joy to teach. I hope you all have a lovely long weekend. Enjoy!

Love Mrs Amin xxx


The Stone Age, Outdoor Learning and Fractions!

This week, we have been learning about the Stone Age. We chose this topic ourselves after exploring the experiences and outcomes related to Social Studies.

We explored the Stone Age during our Outdoor Learning experiences. We learnt about the different types of houses within the Stone Age and compared & contrasted it to how our houses are made.

‘We were making our own Stone Age houses. We had to use natural resources/materials such as wood and mud to build because that is what the people in the Stone Age had.’ – Aria

‘I couldn’t use this for our house because it was plastic. Plastic never existed in the Stone Age.’ – Jamie

‘We built a cave. Although in the Stone Age they did not have plastic, we used it for the outside of the cave.’ – Scarlett

‘We tried to built a Stone Age house like our own houses but only using outdoor materials. We used Tyres for the doors, wood planks to support the structure and windows.’ – Lilian

‘We created a footpath using stones/pebbles for the front of the house.’ – Jessica

‘For the bell, we used a metal pot so we can hear our guests coming.’ – Charlotte

‘Our house was built with  sticks, leaves, tyres and wood. We found grass and mud and used this as a camouflage so people couldn’t find us or attack us! – Jace

‘We had to find food to survive in the wild. We found blueberries and beetroot.’ – London

In Literacy, we are working hard on our letter formation, grammar and punctuation to ensure we are forming our sentences correctly.  We have also been learning about WOW words to enhance our vocabulary.

‘Our spelling sound for the week was a-e. I have grown my words for example save became saved, saving and life-saver. I made sentences with these words too!’. – Fara

We are becoming more confident in recognising the different ways you can make the ‘ai’ sound.

To demonstrate our understanding of our reading book, we had to sort out sentences into true or false headings.

‘We read a tricky unseen text and highlighted all the WOW words or words we never heard of. We then had to write the ending of the story using our imagination.’ – Hasan

Here are some WOW words that we explored in our Library books!

‘I am practising to write common words correctly.’ – Charlie

‘I used WOW words to describe this pictures! My words were amazing, adventurous, freezing and wonderful.’ – Max

We have been learning about fractions. We are able to show an understanding of how a single item can be shared equally. We have also learnt the notation of a half and quarter! We are beginning to learn about where fractions lie on a number line.

We have also been learning about Symmetry.

‘We have made a line of symmetry. Using squared paper, we had to create symmetrical pictures. We used our imagination to create our own designs.’ – Harrison



Our Monster Stories and Music!

We have had another wonderful week in Primary 3!

In Music, we have been learning how to keep the beat in songs.

‘I can keep the beat to songs by clapping.’ – Harrison

We have learnt new songs. We clapped, bounced a ball and tapped our feet to keep in time with the beat.’ – Charlotte, Lilian and Oscar.

In Literacy, we have began Wrap around spelling! Our sound of the week was ‘ai’.

‘ Our spelling list has four words. We blend and stretch the words out like this… rain, r-ai-n.. In Wrap around spelling we have to grow the word too! For example, rain becomes raining. It can also become rains or rained.’ – Hasan

‘We created sentences with the ai words but had to spell the word correctly.’ – Lilian

‘I was able to find all the ai words in a tricky word search.’ – Jace

We use magnetic letters to help us with our blending!

Beat the timer!

‘As we practise our common words, we have to beat the timer by writing the word correctly as many times as we can.’ – Aria

In our library, we love to read chapter books or non-fiction books to read for enjoyment.

We are all Star Writers!

We used our imagination to create the next part of the Monster  story. We described the monster using wow words. As a challenge, we had to use two different types of punctuation such as exclamation marks or question marks!

‘Thank you for reading our blog. Happy weekend!.’ – London



We have had the Best Week of Learning!

This week in Primary 3 we have been super busy exploring all curricular areas!


We have been learning how to create an interesting and capturing imaginative story.

‘I recreated my favourite story and changed the beginning, middle and end. My story had a sequence of events.’ – Oscar

‘We learnt about VCOP (vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation). VCOP makes our writing more interesting and detailed.’ – Jace

‘To achieve our success criteria, we had to use capital letters, full stops and clear finger spaces.’ – Max M.

We have been introduced to our Handwriting jotters too! Each week, we will be practising our letter formation to ensure it is neat, on the line and clear.

‘Our letters for the week were c, o, a, d, g, and q. Each letter begins with the formation of c.’ – Lilian

Numeracy and Mathematics 

‘We have been learning about the concept of time.’ – Oscar

‘I know how to read the clock when it says o’clock and half past.’ – Kerr

‘I practised my mental maths skills for addition by using loop cards.’ – Harrison

‘During our mathematics, we have been adding two digit numbers. We have been using number talks to solve the calculations. We are learning to add the tens and units together.’ – Scarlett

‘I have been practising to add and subtract near doubles. Near double is when a digit is close to a double. For example, 10 + 9 = 19, which is almost the same as 10 + 10 = 20.’ – Fara

Other Curricular Areas

Our Social Studies concept this term will be the Stone Age. The children selected this period of time after they were provided with the relevant Experiences and Outcomes.

‘In PE, we completed an obstacle course with javelin, long jump, shot putt and hurdles.’ – Adam

‘In Music, we were learning how to keep the beat to different songs and rhymes.’ – Luca R.

‘Bonjour! I can say ‘my name is Emelia’ in French!’. – Emelia

This week has been exceptionally busy exploring all curriulcar areas. We cannot wait for next week!

Just a little reminder, we have uploaded a SWAY about our classroom, which will provide you information of our daily school life!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, you have all worked extremely hard!

Love Mrs Amin xxx