P3A Celebrated World Book Day!

Throughout the week, we have engaged in extremely fun and stimulating learning experiences to capture the importance of Reading! World Book Day provided us with the opportunity to explore why reading is important and reminded us why we love to read! Not only that, it was Pancake Day this week too!

In Literacy , we completed a Talking and Listening task related to Pancakes! We had to carefully listen to Mrs Amin’s instructions on how to carefully add in detail to our Pancake grid.

At the end of all the instructions, we had the opportunity to compare our outcome to our peers! It showed us just how good our listening is or if it could be better!

We revisited acrostic poems and used adjectives to create a poem based on the word ‘Pancake’ too!

We continued to learn and practise how to use a dictionary. We played a game called ‘Word Search’ and had to find a word as quickly as possible when Mrs Amin shouted a word to us! It reinforced our knowledge of letters in alphabetical order and it introduced us to new vocabulary too!

We then used our Reading books, to look up the definitions of any tricky words we were unsure of.

We had the pleasure of celebrating World Book Day this week! We began World Book Day by completing our fantastic comic strips with all the relevant detail such as speech bubbles, action words, detailed pictures and captions.

We are continuing to practise ‘Making Inferences’ where have to use the context clues to help us formulate an answer. We need to be ‘Reading Detectives’ to look for information.

In Maths, we have been learning about Multiplication and Division of the 2,5 and 10 times table. We have been using fact families to make connections between numbers whilst multiplying and dividing!

We continue to practise vertical calculations whilst carrying and exchanging units.

During World Book Day, we had a lovely time reading our stories to one another and enjoyed some yummy snacks!

We also played a game called ‘Who am I?’. We had to give clues about the character or book that was stuck to our friends head! We had so much fun!

What a week it has been! It was so lovely having the opportunity to talk to everyone’s parents this week. Everyone had such a glowing report and I hope you are proud of your child’s learning and progress. They are SUPERSTARS!

Have a fantastic weekend!


Mrs Amin☺️ xxx




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