World Book Week 2022


We have had such a fabulous week exploring so many stories! We even got to attend assembly in the hall for the first time ever.

Our writing task this week was to imagine that we stepped into our favourite story.






Outdoors, we acted out the story of the Gruffalo in small groups. Each child decided which role they would like to play and then we chose a director to tell us where to go and help us with what to say.

We have enjoyed story yoga in class along to The Gruffalo and The Very Hungry Caterpillar stories.

We completed a Story Book Scavenger Hunt (some of us finished really quickly – next time we won’t be allowed to use the You Choose book!)






We now have Play Jotters to use in class and we have been writing and drawing in them this week.

We have been reading our school reading books and our favourite stories in lots of random places all around our classroom!

We brought our teddies to school and we read to them.

And the P1 teachers got to dress up!







Thank you so much to everyone who sent in their photos of book scenes – here is the P1 team one – we had far to much fun staging this – can you work out what our favourite book is?

Have a great weekend!

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