Winter Fun in Primary One

We’ve managed to get outdoors this week despite the weather and used the snow and the rain for so many learning opportunities.

For months now, we have been dodging the puddle at the gate and we noticed when we were outdoors on Wednesday, that there was a river running down the playground towards our gate, so we went to investigate the source of the water.

We found that the water starts to flow down right round at the back of the building next to the P6 doors.

After some water was poured out of a bucket in our garden area, some of the children followed it to see where it would go, and realised that it was easier to spot the water flow as it had some sand mixed into it from the bucket and you could see the sand moving towards the drains.

The children were curious to discover whether the water all went down the drain or it some of it would go all the way round the path and down the front of the school. So, we got some glitter and the watering can and repeated our experiment. This time we could really clearly see where the water was going.

As you will have seen from Twitter, we “cheated” a wee tiny bit in the school snowman competition as some of the P7’s offered to help us and it would have been rude to refuse! We named our snowman Jack Frosty

We even made a little Frosty and sneaked him back into the classroom, there was still a little bit of him left at the end of the day.

In Maths this week, Miss Bishop has been teaching us about weight and we have continued to learn about money and to extend our number knowledge.






In Literacy and English this week, we have continued to consolidate our digraph learning, worked on our Common Words and this week we wrote a story in three parts.

It has been International Mother Tongue Language week and Primary One were tasked with learning British Sign Language – check out our signing and singing over on our Google Classroom.

Here are a few more photos of this week’s learning.

We didn’t notice that we had our own Elsa and Anna in our class until we were looking at the photos from Thursday and came across this one!

I hope everyone has a great weekend and look forward to our Parent Teacher meetings next week.

Valentine’s, Bubbles and Ninjas.

We’ve had a week full of love and laughter in P1a. On Monday we celebrated St Valentine’s day, I hope you all liked the special pictures that the children made to bring home.

In literacy, we continue to develop our reading skills through experiencing a range of written and on screen texts.

Our writing task this week was to imagine we were flying in a bubble like the girl in the story – the children chose such a vast range of places that they would like to visit. Our new wall display has sparked lots of conversations as they were able to see one another’s work and share their ideas with their classmates.

In Maths, we have been investigating measurement with Miss Bishop.  Our number skills are really developing too, this week we had to apply our knowledge of addition and subtraction to our work with money.







We kicked off our new Ninja Topic with a bit of Kung Fu fighting! (in a safe and controlled way obviously)

And we have been talking about the attributes necessary to be a Ninja.

We even brought our Ninja skills into our literacy lessons with a fabulous demonstration of Kung Fu Punctuation!

Here are some more pictures of this week’s classroom shenanigans!

We’ve been keeping a really close eye on the weather this week too – we love have our big picture windows!

I hope everyone has a great weekend and we are all back in school on Monday for another fantastic week of learning.




Dragons, patterns and lots of weekend news.

This is a bumper edition of the blog this week as we enjoyed our holiday weekend last week.

In maths we were investigating patterns and now we have returned to learning about money.

We have been making good use of the Blueprint Boards to help us learn about ordering numbers using Hundred Squares and Number Lines.

In Literacy, we have been writing about the Chinese New Year and about what we did at the weekend.

This week, we enjoyed our time outdoors – the Ninja game continues and has now developed into our next class topic!

The children were still using their learning about Chinese New Year this week, when they created a dragon.






Here are a few more pictures of our classroom activities from the last two weeks.

Finally, I had to share this picture of today’s structure in our construction area – the added detail and the pupil storytelling  is a prime example of Play Based Learning at it absolute best.