Valentine’s, Bubbles and Ninjas.

We’ve had a week full of love and laughter in P1a. On Monday we celebrated St Valentine’s day, I hope you all liked the special pictures that the children made to bring home.

In literacy, we continue to develop our reading skills through experiencing a range of written and on screen texts.

Our writing task this week was to imagine we were flying in a bubble like the girl in the story – the children chose such a vast range of places that they would like to visit. Our new wall display has sparked lots of conversations as they were able to see one another’s work and share their ideas with their classmates.

In Maths, we have been investigating measurement with Miss Bishop.  Our number skills are really developing too, this week we had to apply our knowledge of addition and subtraction to our work with money.







We kicked off our new Ninja Topic with a bit of Kung Fu fighting! (in a safe and controlled way obviously)

And we have been talking about the attributes necessary to be a Ninja.

We even brought our Ninja skills into our literacy lessons with a fabulous demonstration of Kung Fu Punctuation!

Here are some more pictures of this week’s classroom shenanigans!

We’ve been keeping a really close eye on the weather this week too – we love have our big picture windows!

I hope everyone has a great weekend and we are all back in school on Monday for another fantastic week of learning.




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