Dragons, patterns and lots of weekend news.

This is a bumper edition of the blog this week as we enjoyed our holiday weekend last week.

In maths we were investigating patterns and now we have returned to learning about money.

We have been making good use of the Blueprint Boards to help us learn about ordering numbers using Hundred Squares and Number Lines.

In Literacy, we have been writing about the Chinese New Year and about what we did at the weekend.

This week, we enjoyed our time outdoors – the Ninja game continues and has now developed into our next class topic!

The children were still using their learning about Chinese New Year this week, when they created a dragon.






Here are a few more pictures of our classroom activities from the last two weeks.

Finally, I had to share this picture of today’s structure in our construction area – the added detail and the pupil storytelling  is a prime example of Play Based Learning at it absolute best.

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