Joyeux Noelle!


This week we have been so lucky to have our student teacher Miss Robertson with us. Today she taught us all about how children in France celebrate Christmas. The children have enjoyed sharing their learning with her and showing her around our school.

In maths this week, we have been focusing on number. We had a washing line to help with addition and subtraction and lots of different number line activities.

Our new sound in literacy this week were qu, ou and oi and although we will not be bringing a new book home for homework, we continue to develop our reading skills in class using our Storyworld Books.

We are so lucky to have Miss Bishop to teach us about technology – this week we were programming the sphero robots.

We have been working  hard on our nativity and it was lovely to see that the children are so familiar with the Christmas Story that they created a nativity scene using the metal loose parts.

Our elf is still up to lots of mischief in our classroom!

Here are a few more pictures of this week’s learning.

I hope everyone has a great weekend – we are so excited to perform our Nativity next week. However, please pay close attention to the Parent’s Round Ups and any further information from Mrs McGuigan in case there are any changes to arrangements for Monday.

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