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P1a learning outdoors

We love being outdoors!

We have been working together in lots of ways to develop our skills.

Scarlett is making a price list with the help of her friends.











We work together to solve problems and help each other.








We are creative in the mud kitchen.  Our recipes are fantastic.  We have to measure the ingredients carefully.  Mrs Rattray does not like too much salt or sugar!



















We practise our mark making outside- writing letters, words, numbers and calculations.




































Charlotte  “I’ve made fireworks!”

Well done P1a!


Lots of fun in Primary 1D

On Monday we marked Armistice Day with a two minute silence. I was so proud of the children as they sat respectfully and thoughtfully. We watched the BBC film Poppies and I found some of the children re -enacted the story of the rabbit in the battlefields using LEGO and a toy rabbit in our library area.

Tuesday was Guru Nanak’s 550th Birthday and we learned all about his life story and how he became a Guru. One of our classmates shared how her family were celebrating at the Gurdwara. We then made pictures of the Guru in traditional Sikh clothing.






In Maths we have been working on Data Handling

And in literacy, we have continued to work on our new sounds, creating words in lots of different ways. 

We’ve been investigating what happens when you draw in crayon on and then water paint on top of it. 

Another busy week of learning. Next week we have our Library Visit on Thursday and Woodland Adventures on Friday, so remember to wrap up warm!

This Week’s Woodland Experiences With P1C

The weather this week changed our woodland environment and outdoor areas and provided us with lots of interesting learning experience to explore such as ice and frost. It also influenced some of our creative and imaginative experiences such as the delicious warming food we made and shared. We enjoyed working together, solving problems, creating our own games and alliteration poems.

1,2, 3 swing.

“Try putting your tummy on it like this.”

“Ready, steady, go!”

Exploring the mud and the s sound.

Sticky, squelchy, slimy and soaking!

Keeping cozy. It’s much warmer in here because there is no wind.

“I am selling soup to keep everyone warm.”

“ This is my stew it is leeks, mud and water.”

“It’s our builders shop.”

We created their own game. It was called Wallby and you had to get the ball over the wall.

“Put your foot on the bottom and try to flip it over.”

We were exploring alliteration. Rolling, ribbon and robot all begin with the r sound. We then came up with our own alliteration poems.

Rolling goes round and round.

The wolf likes wind, water and winter on a Wednesday.

We worked together to solve the problem of how to fix the bottom rung of the ladder, which was broken. We needed to tie a new knot. We also came up with the solution of moving a tyre over so that we could reach the first rung of the ladder as it was now higher up the tree.

Some more action shots to share with you……

Outdoor Fun in P1C!

We have had great fun out and woodland and in our outdoor area this week.

We were measuring our sticks to see which one was the biggest and see what stick would fit in the space.

We also had great fun cooking some delicious food in our kitchen.

We were also hunting for letters and creating pictures in our environment.

There was also some ice in our outdoor area that we enjoyed exploring. It was bit cold and looked like glass so we made sure we were very careful with it!

We even had time to fit in a trip to the shops!


Super Addition Skills in P1b!

We have been super busy learning about addition! We can recognise the addition sign and the equals sign. We are also learning how to count on from the bigger number using our fingers, number lines and concrete materials such as cubes.

We know two numbers which are the same is a double!

We are sequencing and creating a number line to 10 using Numicon!

As it was Remembrance Day on the 11th of November, we held a two minute silence and spoke about the importance of Remembrance Day!


Being creative in P1a!


We used our artistic skills and developed our maths skills by creating sailing boat pictures. We discussed how we could fold and cut  the circle paper plate in half to create a semi-circle for the boat. We  also folded and cut the square in half to create a triangle sail.

We showed good control of line making the painted waves and enjoyed making patterns on the sail and decorating the boat.




























Hallowee’en also inspired us to be creative! We drew spooky spiders webs using chalk and  we wanted to learn more about spiders so we watched a video text of a spider spinning a web. We learned what the web is for. We then shared a reading text about spiders, discussing the differences between fiction texts and non-fiction texts.  We discovered some amazing facts…..and we know we don’t have to fear spiders in Scotland!





























We drew and wrote some information we learned. This inspired us to read more non-fiction texts about a variety of creatures.






















We also said , ‘Bonjour’ and ‘Ca va?’ as well as other phrases we have learned to say in French to a visiting French primary teacher.  We asked him about life in France and about school. He was very impressed with our questions! Tres bien!







We are full of energy!

In PE we have been catching, throwing, balancing balls and beanbags   and using rackets. We enjoy working with a partner and trying to beat our own scores.







Also in the gym we showed off our musical talents playing singing games, with added percussion!

















Out in the Muga we develop our fitness, gross motor skills and ability to listen to instructions to play games.












In our classroom we learn yoga poses! Super effort again, P1a!





P1C Woodland week 1

We enjoyed a lovely morning in the woodland learning and working together. Here are some of our highlights…….


Follow the leader.

 Through the maze to the top.


 A secret passage!


We found slugs, worms and eggs.


Let’s check under the logs, we need a lot of force to move it, Can you help?

 What will we find in the water?

Moving with control and trying to predict which direction we end up facing.

Is it a paw print or a hand print? What do you think?


P1D – Glitter, Ladybirds & Monkeys

Yet another busy week in Primary 1.

In Maths & Numeracy we have been investigating addition in lots of different ways, for example, the children have been counting items into groups and putting them together, rolling dice and writing number stories, working with numicon to explain their number stories and we were all very excited to start to use our new Scottish Heinemann Maths workbooks.

We have also been learning all about gathering data with Miss Gourlay.

In literacy, we continue to look at books by Julia Donaldson. This week we have been reading Night Monkey, Day Monkey and learning about nocturnal animals and the differences between day and night in the jungle. We have been acting out stories, finding rhymes and are now starting to build all of the sounds that we have been learning into words that we can then use in our own story writing.

We turned shaving foam, glue, flour, paint and glitter into puffy paint and made firework pictures.

As part of our Keeping Safe Topic, we have been learning about Food Safety and Food Hygiene and this week we have been focusing on Road Safety in the run up to Road Safety Week. We have been practising crossing roads safely, created road maps with safe places to cross and then went down to the school cycle track and acted out being safe drivers and pedestrians.

I’m sure you will agree that we have had another busy week with lots of learning and lots of fun.



Adventures in P1C!

This week in PE we started gymnastics. We have had great fun learning all our gymnastics shapes both indoors and outdoors and learning new partner balances. We can’t wait to start using the equipment next week!

This week we also learned about Road Safety and how we can be safe when crossing the road. We had great fun outdoors at the cycle track practicing how to cross the road safely but we had to watch out for the fast cars coming! We also created our own road maps.

In DYW, we made bug hotels and finished off planting our lovely plants for our outdoor area. We learned about ways we can encourage wildlife into our outdoor area and how to care for living things. We had so much fun doing this!

We can’t wait for another great week of learning!



P1a reading and writing!

P1a’s Literacy skills are developing very well!

We are working hard every day to learn more and more new sounds and practise saying the sounds the letters make. We also practise forming the letters correctly.







We are getting better at thinking which letter begins a word.



















Our skills in sounding out all the letters to read a word are progressing well.  We play bingo games, online games and word champion games and are getting more confident at blending the sounds together!



















Brooke ” I wrote the first sound of each of the pictures and it made the word sit!”

Kerr ” I made the word ‘sad’.”

We also stretch out words to hear all the sounds to help us write words and sentences.





































We are enjoying reading about Miss Owen and her class!  We can use the vocabulary from the story to make sentences.













Super effort from P1a !