Being creative in P1a!


We used our artistic skills and developed our maths skills by creating sailing boat pictures. We discussed how we could fold and cut  the circle paper plate in half to create a semi-circle for the boat. We  also folded and cut the square in half to create a triangle sail.

We showed good control of line making the painted waves and enjoyed making patterns on the sail and decorating the boat.




























Hallowee’en also inspired us to be creative! We drew spooky spiders webs using chalk and  we wanted to learn more about spiders so we watched a video text of a spider spinning a web. We learned what the web is for. We then shared a reading text about spiders, discussing the differences between fiction texts and non-fiction texts.  We discovered some amazing facts…..and we know we don’t have to fear spiders in Scotland!





























We drew and wrote some information we learned. This inspired us to read more non-fiction texts about a variety of creatures.






















We also said , ‘Bonjour’ and ‘Ca va?’ as well as other phrases we have learned to say in French to a visiting French primary teacher.  We asked him about life in France and about school. He was very impressed with our questions! Tres bien!







We are full of energy!

In PE we have been catching, throwing, balancing balls and beanbags   and using rackets. We enjoy working with a partner and trying to beat our own scores.







Also in the gym we showed off our musical talents playing singing games, with added percussion!

















Out in the Muga we develop our fitness, gross motor skills and ability to listen to instructions to play games.












In our classroom we learn yoga poses! Super effort again, P1a!





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