P2b so far!

It has been so lovely being back at school and getting to know each other these first few weeks in Primary 2b. The boys and girls have been working very hard and have settled quickly into all of our new routines. We have been finding out all about each others hobbies, interests and talents and making new friends with our new classmates.

We made clouds all about our favourite numbers, colours, animals and foods and created our own self-portraits!



We have been practising adding to make 10 in lots of different ways.

‘6+4=10’ Myles

The children worked hard in groups to solve addition word problems using concrete materials.

‘We have used numicon, cubes, rek n reks and our fingers.’- Ben



We have been practising our sentence structure. We know to add a capital letter, finger space, a full stop and to check the sentence when we are finished.

We wrote about what makes us one of a kind and special.

‘I am one of a kind because I care about lots of people.’ – Eva


Health and Wellbeing

We have been learning about our differences and how they make us unique and special. We read a story about Elmer a very colourful elephant who is different from his friends.

The children created their own elephants which we have displayed on our wall.

We also looked at our unique fingerprints under microscopes to find the patterns.

We read The Smeds and the Smoos, The message of this story is that we should treat everyone the same no matter how they look.

We have also been learning about our emotions! We can say how we feel and why. In the morning we put our emotion critters in a jar to show how we are feeling.

‘I put my critter in the happy jar because i’m happy to be in school. I was looking forward to the reward afternoon.’- Harry


We have had a very exciting Friday! The boys and girls have been working very hard to earn house tokens for our jar. They managed to fill the jar and so received a reward afternoon of their choice. They choseĀ  a den-building afternoon with stories, drawing and fairylights! We filled up our jar to get our reward by following our 4 class rules:

Walk Respectfully

Good Manners

Kind Children

Smart Choices

‘I was sitting with a blankie and some candles talking to my friends’- Magnus

‘I was reading a book about snakes in the library with Caleb. I had fun.’ ‘Snakes have skin.’ Charlie

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