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P1D – We’re moving up!

We have been very busy getting organised to move to our new learning area. Today the children got to spend the whole afternoon exploring their new space.

Today we moved our trays and tomorrow we will swap pegs with the children of P1B.  We have checked where we exit the building in an emergency, which toilets we can now access from class and where we will line up. We are all very excited.

“I like building” – Rose

“I made a fire engine” – Keir.

“I like it here” – Harley


“I liked the house corner. I was phoning Abby” – Abi

“I liked the house corner, there are lots of things to learn” – Abby

“We were playing in the sand and building things. I like the sand, it has animals in it” – Benjamin, Jude and Magnus.

“I like the book corner” – Lucy





Finally, as Henry will be heading off to report back to Santa, I just want to wish everyone a fabulous festive break and I look froward to everyone coming back fresh and excited to learn in January.


Christmas Fun in P1C!

We had a great time at our Christmas Party yesterday!

We also had delicious food and got to play lots of party games!

We were so excited that Santa took time out of his busy schedule to come visit us and give us presents. 

We have also been enjoying making calendars as we know when we come back to school that it is a new year.

We have also been busy creating Christmas List of the gifts that we can give to our family!

We hope you have a wonderful holiday and a happy new year!

Merry Christmas from P1a!


We all had great fun at our Christmas party! Here we are all dressed up ready to party!

















We were so lucky as we had a special guest at our party who found time in his busy schedule to visit us.
























Then we had yummy party food.











Finally we played party games in the hall!































In class we have been making Christmas cards.











We have been writing about Santa’s workshop and what we would see if we peeped in on Christmas Eve.











We also made special calendars as we know it will be a new year when we come back to school.  We enjoy singing the months of the year song to remind us of the order of the months.
















Have a wonderful holiday everyone and happy new year!


Whoops-a-Daisy! P1D, it’s nearly Christmas.

After a really busy few weeks of rehearsing, we presented our Nativity, Whoops-a-Daisy Angel to two packed audiences this week. I am beyond proud of the children. They learned their songs, dances and words, no one took stage fright and I think everyone would agree that their performance was outstanding!

We have continued to investigate money using real coins and the money fans.


We have been creating pictograms.

Although we are no longer bringing home our homework bags, we are still working with  our reading books in class.

“We’re making robots, just like the children in our book”

We’ve been investigating through play.

“I wonder if this is longer or shorter than a metre?” 

“We’ve made Christmas Biscuits”

“We are making Christmas Cards”

And finally, Henry has been very busy this week too!

Whoops a Daisy P.1a!

Whoops A Daisy!

After all our hard work rehearsing and learning new songs we performed our Nativity to our family and friends. Skills of singing, dancing, keeping to the beat, and role play were all developed while we gained in confidence putting on a show… and  we had lots of fun!

Here we are in action! We hope everyone who came to see us enjoyed our performances.  The teachers were all very proud of the children.
































































We have been busy with Christmas craft making our special snowman candles to sell for our enterprise activity. We think they’re very cute!









Our elf ‘Twinkle’ is getting up to mischief and we have been writing about his adventures!









Well done P1a!

Nativity Fun and Learning Adventures in P1C!

We are exploring Data Handling! We know we can organise real objects by matching and sorting information. We also conducted our own surveys and made our own pictograms.

In reading, we have been working hard sequencing the events of our stories in order, making predictions and sequencing sentences.

We are continuing to work hard spelling our CVC words, we have been doing this in lots of different ways.


Thank you to everyone who came and watched us perform our Nativity. We worked so hard learning all our lines, songs and dances. We had so much fun performing and we hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did!


Lots of Learning and Festive Fun in P1B!

We had a special parcel delivered to our classroom last week! It was our Classroom Elf!

We took a class vote to name our Elf and the winning name was Cupcake! Each morning, we are super excited to see what Cupcake has been up to in the night.

We continue to reply to our Santa’s Chimney Message Board and write letters to Santa.

This week, we were also visited by a Dental Nurse and we showed her how amazing we are at brushing our teeth.

Thank you to everyone who came and watched us perform our Nativity Show. We worked so hard learning our lines, dance moves and all the songs. It was a great achievement for us to showcase our Show to everyone. We hope you enjoyed it!




Our Week of Adventures in P1C!

P1C welcomed some special visitors who helped us learn more about how babies grow and develop new skills in the first year of their life. We enjoyed asking questions and seeing what some of our pupils younger siblings could do. Thank you to both of our parents who brought in their babies to help us learn more about their needs and how to look after them.

We have been learning all about the seasons and the differences in each season. We had to sort out the clothes into summer, winter and the clothes we might wear in summer and winter.

We have also been enjoying using dominos to create maths calculations.

We have been continuing to work hard on our reading words and have been enjoying playing bingo to help reinforce them!

We have also been continuing to work hard to create our own sentences!


We had a special delivery to P1C! Mrs Jamieson brought a parcel into P1 delivered from the North Pole! It had a special elf inside and a letter from Santa! We voted to name our Elf, Elfie Elliot! We are so excited to see what adventures he has been up too each day. We also have a special book to write about his adventures.


The most magical time of the year!

A very special visitor arrived in P1D this week! He is called Henry our Class Elf and he is here to help us get ready for Christmas.





As well as practising for our Nativity next week, we have been learning about the Christmas Story and then recreating the story using a knitted nativity.

We worked with our friends from another P1 class to draw a picture of our own nativity show.

In Maths we have been learning about money and  recognising  coins from 1p to £2. We played games with the coins to reinforce our learning.

We continue to learn new sounds and to use the sounds we have already learned in lots of different and interesting ways.

We had a visit from the community dental nurse who watched us brushing our teeth and then gave us a very informative talk about how to look after our teeth.

We would like to say a huge thank you to Keir’s dad who kindly sourced lots of materials for our outdoor learning areas and who delivered them (with the help of Keir) last weekend. We can’t wait to see what the children will create with them.






Finally, as a few of our classmates have been off ill this week, I thought they might like to see what Henry has been up to!