The most magical time of the year!

A very special visitor arrived in P1D this week! He is called Henry our Class Elf and he is here to help us get ready for Christmas.





As well as practising for our Nativity next week, we have been learning about the Christmas Story and then recreating the story using a knitted nativity.

We worked with our friends from another P1 class to draw a picture of our own nativity show.

In Maths we have been learning about money and  recognising  coins from 1p to £2. We played games with the coins to reinforce our learning.

We continue to learn new sounds and to use the sounds we have already learned in lots of different and interesting ways.

We had a visit from the community dental nurse who watched us brushing our teeth and then gave us a very informative talk about how to look after our teeth.

We would like to say a huge thank you to Keir’s dad who kindly sourced lots of materials for our outdoor learning areas and who delivered them (with the help of Keir) last weekend. We can’t wait to see what the children will create with them.






Finally, as a few of our classmates have been off ill this week, I thought they might like to see what Henry has been up to!


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