P4a take a balanced approach to gymnastics

This week in our PE lessons we have carried on with our gymnastics and have been practicing some of our balances. With the help of some excellent demonstrations from some superb gymnasts in our class we managed to do some bridge balances using 2, 3 and 4 points of contact; the frog pose and even some head stands by the end of the lesson. I was very impressed by how well everyone worked in their groups to support and look after their classmates to keep everyone safe while they were balancing.

Molly also says that she really enjoyed our warm up game for PE this week; gymnastics tag. During this game, if you get tagged you have to make one of the poses that we have been learning until someone copies your pose to set you free.

In maths this week we have all been doing vertical calculations for multiplication and addition. The rectangles have been practicing their 6 times table, the circles have been using their 4 times table and the triangles have been adding tens and units together. Everyone has been working very hard.

Continuing with our writing this week, we have been practicing with our onomatopoeia and alliteration in a piece of writing about a giant who has been asleep for a thousand years. I was very impressed with everyone’s work and loved reading all the descriptions of the giants!

Enjoy the weekend!


Post from 11th October has been updated.

P4b’s photos of their shoebox dioramas have been added.  Scroll down to have a look!

P4b’s Criminal Case

In literacy we have been looking at a Humpty Dumpty crime scene where Humpty Dumpty got pushed off the wall.  We wrote police reports about who we thought pushed Humpty Dumpty off the wall.  We were doing this to practise writing summaries.  We all tried really hard to work out who did the crime but only one person out of 29 managed to work out who the prime suspect was, who committed the crime.

Some of our suspects were Hansel and Gretel, the Queen, the Guards, the Horses and Little Red Riding Hood.  Hansel was a suspect because Humpty Dumpty didn’t listen to Gretel when she advised him to be careful and Gretel was also angry with him for not listening and she showed this by snatching the skipping ropes off of Humpty.  The Queen’s motive may have been due to Humpty Dumpty climbing on her palace wall.  The Guards could have done the crime because they scowled at Humpty when he climbed on the wall and Humpty Dumpty shrugged his shoulders and didn’t listen.  The horses might have committed the crime because they could have ran up the stairs and pushed him off the wall.  We thought it could have been Little Red Riding Hood because there was something silver at the crime scene and we thought that might have been Little Red Riding Hood’s mushrooms that she picked that day and also there was something red at the crime scene which we thought was Little Red Riding Hood’s hood.

After a lot of working out and also creating WANTED posters, the 2 suspects who actually did it were revealed…it was…Hansel and Gretel.  The evidence from the text was that Hansel and Gretel were angry with Humpty at the start of the story and there was a sweetie wrapper at the scene.  The story also revealed that 4 footprints were seen in the egg yolk.  We were very surprised that they were our criminals.


Lots more examples of our work will be making its way to our corridor wall display very soon.  Keep an eye out!

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