Tag Archives: nursery


Tempest Photography will visit the school & ELCC on Monday 6 March to take individual photographs. Photographs can be ordered directly from Tempest online at www.tempest-photography.co.uk or by entering you credit card details on the order form that you will receive nearer the time. Please note that our office will be unable to accept any cash payments for photographs.



WOW  week in Thornliebank is the 16th-20th November. Thank you to all our parents, friends and relatives who have offered to come into speak with classes.

Remember our Dress for the Future day will be MOnday 16th November when the pupils are invited to Dress  up as the job or career they would like to have in the future. Certificates will be given for the most interesting and unusual careers and jobs chosen.

Greenbank Gardens Wheelbarrow Competition 13th and 14th June

Latest news – the nursery class once again won this competition with their Gruffalo Entry. Well done!!


Once again 2 classes from our school and nursery have entered wheelbarrows in Greenbank Gardens Wheelbarrow Competition. Please go along to the Gardens this Saturday 13th June and Sunday 14th June and vote for our Nursery Class and Primary 3 Wheelbarrows. We have done well in this competition every yaer since we started entering but we need all your votes to do so. If you say you are there to vote in the competition you will get free entry to do so.

Greenbank Gardens

Flenders Road


East renfrewshire


Uniform Orders

Our uniform supplier (Gilmour Sports) has advised that in order for uniforms to be ready for collection at the end of June 2015, all orders should be submitted no later than Friday, 8th May 2015. If orders are not submitted at this time, the order will not be ready for collection until our In-Service Days on either Tuesday 11th or Wednesday 12th August 2015.

 The order form 2015-2016_SCHOOL_ORDER FORM      2015-2016_NURSERY_UNIFORM ORDER FORM

should be placed in a sealed envelope with the payment, either in the form of a cheque or exact money, and the details outlined below written on the front of an envelope. Cheques must be made payable to “Gilmour Sports”. The order form together with payment should be returned to the school by Friday, 8th May 2015.

  • Pupil’s Name
  • Pupil’s Class (Nursery)
  • Amount Enclosed
  • Change Due (if applicable)