Health and Wellbeing Lecture

On Wednesday 4 November we held our first ever Health and Wellbeing Lecture.  We were honoured to have Dr Catherine Calderwood (Chief Medical Officer for Scotland) and Professor Chris Oliver (Honorary Professor for Physical Activity at Edinburgh University) be our keynote speakers.

Dr Calderwood gave an overview of health for Scotland which was extremely interesting and informative.  Using statistics she highlighted the effects of having a poor diet and lack of exercise and gave advice about how all people can take positive steps to improve their health.  She also answered questions from the audience including the reasons she chose a career medicine.

Professor Oliver told his life story to highlight why having a work-life balance is important for all of us.  He described how he was a fit young man in his late teens but then stopped exercising through his time at medical school as he focused on becoming a successful orthopedic surgeon.  This was at the expense of his health and he described missing out on 10-15 years of his life.  However, he did manage to cycle across America and lose over 12 stones and now advocates regular physical activity to improve not only physical health but social, emotional and mental wellbeing.

Many thanks to all pupils, parents and staff who attended this unique event.

Photos from last night’s event are here.

All of last night’s presentations can be viewed below.

St Ninian’s High School Health and Wellbeing Overview 4.11.15

Health and Wellbeing Lecture Programme 4.11.15

Improve Health Improve Achievement – Dr Calderwood 4.11.15

How Not To Be A Surgeon – Professor Chris Oliver 4.11.15

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