Elvis the Elf

This year Primary 3a were very lucky as we were treated to a special visit from Elvis the elf! Ms Stevenson kindly gave up her free time to read us an exciting story called ‘Elf on the shelf’ where we heard all about Elvis the elf and his ever watchful eyes. We were able to pass on messages to Santa through Elvis and he kindly handed out some chocolate coins, which we all enjoyed very much! Primary 3a would like to say a massive thank you to Niamh’s family for treating us to this lovely morning.

Erskine Hospital

On Wednesday 11th December 4 pupils from P7 visited Erskine Hospital to hand over a cheque for £150. They raised the funds by selling glitter tattoos, toys, bracelets and knitted school hats during playtimes and lunchtimes and at the Christmas fair. On the visit they got a tour of the hospital and met some of the residents. Erskine has been caring for Scotland’s veterans since 1916; re-building shattered lives, restoring dignity and providing first-class care to ex-Service men and women. In the past year the charity has cared for 1,100 veterans.

St Luke’s Elite Engineering Programme

On behalf of the pupils at St. Luke’s, a bid has been submitted to the “Elite Engineering Programme” in the hope that St Luke’s HS will win LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 STEM with resources worth £3,000 plus the chance to compete for further resources at competition level.  You can find out more about it at this address http://www.eep-schools.org.uk/

The “Elite Engineering Programme” is piloting the use of the LEGO ‘machine and robot making’ equipment with 25 successful schools this year. St Luke’s HS hopes to be one of them. With the philosophy of Curriculum For Excellence courses well understood by the school, St Luke’s HS knows that these resources would be a major boost to the educational experiences they could offer their pupils.

As part of the 500 word application, St Luke’s HS has also submitted a video of  S3 pupils testing their weather shelters. This task was part of several tasks during the day where pupils had to work as a team to design and create a solution to a weather related problem.

St Luke’s High School  needs your help.  

One criteria that will be used to measure the best entries will be the extent of our learning community’s support for the application.  And that is where you come in ….

Please copy and paste the web address below, and scroll down to the St. Luke’s icon to see our video. I presented this video as “Learning and fun in perfect harmony!”

You are being asked to click the ‘thumbs up’ (like) icon to show your support for our submission.

Please send the web address to as many people as you think can support us.  The more ‘likes’ we get, the better chance we have of being successful.


 Thank you in anticipation of your assistance

Book Week


Scottish Book Week 25th – 29th November
St Mark’s are all set for a Reading Revolution during Scottish Book Week. We are launching our new library, expecting special visitors (including a mystical mutt), and organising a whole host of spectacular classroom events which place reading, where it truly belongs, at the heart of the school curriculum. Primary 1 parents are invited along on 27 2pm for our Mad Hatters Tea Party. Once again pupils will receive the Bookbug Family Pack courtesy of Scottish Book Trust, the 3 brilliant books are all shortlisted for the Scottish Book Awards-which will get your vote? So, come on, switch off that TV, unplug that X-box and pick up the best handheld device ever- a book.



Christmas Fayre

Reminder that St Mark’s Christmas Fayre is tomorrow, starting at 1.15pm. No hot meals will be available, pack-snacks only will be provided for lunch from the kitchen.

We would be most grateful for any donations of home baking tomorrow morning. These can be dropped off at the school. If you are able to donate any other items for the fayre ie toys, prizes for the raffle these can also be dropped off.

We are delighted that a bike has been donated and is also being raffled in the school, tickets are available for your children to buy in school and on the day for £1.

Christmas Fayre Class Timetables are as follows

1.15-1.35       P6/7 and P1

1.40-2.00     P2 and P3

2.05-2.25     P4 and P4/5

2.30-2.50    P5a, P5b and P6

We value love, faith and understanding

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