Chick,Chick,Chick, Chick, Chicken!

Primary 6/7 were excited to meet new additions to the St Luke’s family on Tuesday afternoon.

S1s received 10 living eggs at the start of last week which have now all successfully hatched. They are now the proud parents of 10 healthy (fluffy) newborn chicks. S1 pupils will take care of them and monitor their development over the next few days. Staff from the science department brought down the chicks to meet P7 as part of the transition programme from primary to secondary.

Clyde in the Classroom

Blog 5 

25th February 2014

Today we were visited by Mr Orr, who was able to demonstrate the gutting and filleting of a fish for us. We were a little anxious at first but from the pictures taken you will see we were all quite fascinated. Mr Orr was very knowledgeable and was able to answer all of the questions we had for him.

We saw the internal organs, including the heart during this process. There was only a small amount of blood, much less than we had expected. We were able to see the liver, lungs and the brain. We also examined the eye ball at Chloe’s request!!!!

 We loved the experience and are very grateful to Mr Orr for showing us so much – we would do it again!

 Primary 6

Fairtrade Fortnight

 Meet Foncho… a man with a plan

Sign his petition here Go Bananas Petition

This year’s Fairtrade Fortnight takes place from 24th February to 9th March and provides the opportunity for all pupils to find out more about Fairtrade and how they can support it. The theme for this year’s fortnight is “Go Bananas”.On Friday 7th March, there will be a Fairtrade Coffee Afternoon open to parents and carers. Tickets priced at £1 including tea and biscuits will be on sale in the very near future. Children will also be able to “Go Banana’s “and wear a yellow top to school showing their support of Fairtrade.Primary 4/5 , primary 7 and the Fairtrade Committee will be co-coordinating a range of activities within the school on the day. Fairtrade banana smoothies and banana loaf will be on sale along with a wide selection of Fairtrade products from Rainbow Turtle. P4/5 and P7  have  been  knitting and crafting a selection of “mug hugs” to sell and Primary 7 will be performing a fairtrade rap.

Clyde in the Classroom

Blog 4

24th February 2014

Every week we are noticing more and more changes. Our trout now swim much more and are approaching the top of our tank when we are visiting. They are much more active and their colouring is darkening daily. They have grown in size and we love checking on them after the weekend – we notice lots then.
We have included some pictures of us caring for the trout. You will see us checking the water temperature and  adding some iced water bottles to the tank. We will also be topping up the water into each tank, using the chlorine free water we’ve been preparing in our buckets.

You will also see a close up picture of our ALEVIN – shortly they will become FRY.

We’ve been given an estimated date of release for 10 March and are really looking forward to this step. Our parents and carers have been invited into our class on 4 March when will be reporting all that has happened since our project began. We are really looking forward to sharing our enthusiasm with them.

The Firefighter

People Who Help Us

Gerry’s dad came in to speak to us about his work at the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. We asked him lots of questions and found out how he helps keep everyone safe. He told us how important it was to keep your home safe from fires. He would encourage everyone to use the Home Fire Safety Visit (HFSV) which is a free service to protect your home and family. Please call your local Fire Station on 0141- 881-2222 to arrange a home visit. Keep safe everyone!

Sow it,Grow it, Eat it.

The gardening club has been very busy researching  seasonal vegetables and designing  garden layouts. They also met with the site manager of our new extension to discuss the idea of redesigning the school garden.  St Mark’s has now been approved for a new vegetable garden! The design is based on four rectangular raised beds and one flower bed.

Designing the garden

Gardening club representatives met with the pupil council and site manager to show their plans.

The site manager looks at his school plans and agrees to take the garden design to the school architect for approval and design.

The new plan featuring the garden design is agreed by the builders and the authority. The revised plan shows the new garden design.

The gardening club has now started to prepare for our new garden. With the help of three students from St Luke’s we’ve started to sow peas, carrots, spinach and strawberries.

The Physiotherapist

People Who Help Us

Primary 1a and 1b’s new Social Studies topic is People Who Help Us. We decided to find out about different types of jobs by interviewing lots of people. We made a list of questions to ask each person. We interviewed Emily’s mum. She is a physiotherapist. She helps people when they are in pain. She likes her job because she makes people feel better. If you would like to come in and tell us about your job we would love to see you. We have great questions for you.

Primary 1a and 1b

Clyde in the Classroom, P6

Blog 3

18th February 2014

Lots to update you on! Our eggs have finally started to hatch and the official name we now give them is ALEVIN. The trout are now able to swim around the tank and they respond to loud noises. They have changed colour from orange to brown. To survive they will continue to feed from their yolk sac. Their faces are starting to appear and we have noticed their eyes too. They still huddle together quite a lot, and they are all very protective of each other. They make it very difficult for us when we try to remove a dead egg or alevin.

We love that they seem more confident as they swim around when we are visiting them. We have had to add small pieces of netting over the taps to prevent the trout from swimming into the cooling tank.

Tomorrow we hope to be given an idea of a date for release from Caroline. We will then plan to invite our parents and carers in to see the project first hand.

Whale Week, P5a and P5b

Primary 5a and 5b’s novel study this term is Michael Morpurgo’s ‘This Morning I met a Whale’. As part of the topic both classes decided to host ‘Whale Week’ to raise funds for a visit to Deep Sea World. Through a variety of enterprise activities the classes managed to raise an astonishing £732.79.  Activities included a sponsored dance, selling sea snacks, an acrostic poem competition and lots more.

Thank you very much to pupils, parents and carers for your support. Sea World here we come!

Primary 5a

Primary 5b

Orca, Competition winner.

Dolphin, Raffle Winner

Clyde In the Classroom 2

We have been looking after our 200 eggs very carefully. Since the 3rd February we’ve been checking on our eggs four times daily.

Each check involves – a temperature check, possibly changing ice water bottles, a check for any dead eggs, top up water in tanks and bucket and cleaning the tank. Groups of four children are visiting the Pea Pod to complete this task. They then come back to class, record the information on our checklist and report back to their classmates.So far we’ve identified only one dead egg but we know there will probably be more.

On Wednesday 5 February the eggs had started developing. We noticed that inside their yolk sac eyes were appearing. We had to ensure that the water was kept to the correct temperature during our February holiday and say a big thank you to Mr McDonnell, our janitor, for adding ice on the days we were off.

 We’ve returned this morning to a very exciting sight! Our trout eggs have hatched!!!! We were able to watch them swimming around their tank after assembly. They were very fast.Sadly, some more eggs have died over the weekend. We will now remove these eggs and monitor very carefully.

 Look out for our next update very soon.

 Primary 6

Body Works on Tour

An engaging hands-on exhibit about the human body is set to keep youngsters and families entertained at Barrhead Health and Care Centre during the February mid-term break.

Body Works On Tour on Mon 10 Feb, will feature a variety of free interactive exhibits including an age machine which takes a picture and gives visitors a glimpse into their future; and a heart beating drum to enable people to measure their heart in a unique way.

Visitors will also be able to learn how their bodies work with real human tissue samples; try and inflate a smoker’s lungs; put a neck, head and brain back together and get to grips with synthetic limbs.

The event is being held in partnership with the Science Centre and East Renfrewshire CHCP smokefree community services to engage residents about their body and health. The smokefree team will also be on hand to offer advice on stopping smoking, tobacco and second hand smoke.

Cllr Alan Lafferty, East Renfrewshire convener for social work and health said: “This event is set to be a fun and informative day where you can find out more about the human body, health and ways to improve your lifestyle.”

The free event takes place at Barrhead Health and Care Centre, Main Street, Barrhead on Monday 10 February from 10am to 4pm.

The CHCP is a partnership between East Renfrewshire Council and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGG&C) and brings together local community and primary care health services from NHSGG&C and social work services from East Renfrewshire Council.

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