Clyde In the Classroom 2

We have been looking after our 200 eggs very carefully. Since the 3rd February we’ve been checking on our eggs four times daily.

Each check involves – a temperature check, possibly changing ice water bottles, a check for any dead eggs, top up water in tanks and bucket and cleaning the tank. Groups of four children are visiting the Pea Pod to complete this task. They then come back to class, record the information on our checklist and report back to their classmates.So far we’ve identified only one dead egg but we know there will probably be more.

On Wednesday 5 February the eggs had started developing. We noticed that inside their yolk sac eyes were appearing. We had to ensure that the water was kept to the correct temperature during our February holiday and say a big thank you to Mr McDonnell, our janitor, for adding ice on the days we were off.

 We’ve returned this morning to a very exciting sight! Our trout eggs have hatched!!!! We were able to watch them swimming around their tank after assembly. They were very fast.Sadly, some more eggs have died over the weekend. We will now remove these eggs and monitor very carefully.

 Look out for our next update very soon.

 Primary 6