School closes at 2.30pm today, Tuesday 22nd December. The school will reopen on Monday 6th January.
We wish all of our parents/carers and pupils a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Class parties for Primary 1-7 will take place on the afternoon of Tuesday 22nd December. Pupils should wear their party clothes to school. No football strips please.
Follow the link to view our latest newsletter.
Some things to think about when talking/spending time together with younger children:
Talk about what you’re doing as you carry out everyday tasks like making lunch/dinner, washing up etc.
Point out all of the things you see around you when you’re out at the park, on the way to school, at the supermarket etc.
Look at your child when you and they are talking – it shows that you are interested in what they have to say.
If your child says something incorrectly instead of correcting, say it back in the correct way.
This week P7a created 4 short films to be shown as part of the BBC’s LABvent calendar. The first animation will be shown today, the second on the 14th December and on the 24th December. The BBC clips have had an average of 50 000 views online so the children are very excited to see each of their videos added over the coming weeks. You can view the first film by following the link below.
Primary Four have been celebrating the Turner Prize coming to Glasgow by looking at Scottish contemporary artists. They loved the bold colours used in Jolomo’s paintings and were inspired to replicate the cottage and lighthouse scenes. Pupils enjoyed mixing colours and exploring how shades effect the emotions of their painting. We then created our own ‘artist’ names using the first two letters from our first, second and surnames.
You can view P4’s Artwork by following the link below.
We would really like your help in gathering feedback about this year’s Primary 1 Family Bags. Scottish Booktrust have compiled a survey for Parents. There are bundles of books to be won on the survey. The deadline is Friday 18th December.
The link for the survey is:
For Parents –
P7 Lockerbie Trip
Monday 30th November-Friday 4th December
We hope all the P7 pupils, parent and carers are excited about our imminent trip to Lockerbie! The children will have a fantastic time meeting new friends, building relationships and learning lots of new skills.
Here are a few reminders, and answers to some questions raised over the course of this week:
Only three sleeps to go!
A reminder for the Primary 3 pupils to come along dressed in school uniform for this Sunday’s Mass of Enrolment.
At Parent’s night, pupils hosted a Fair trade stall to promote Fair Trade. Pupils raised a fantastic £130.45. By hosting a Fair Trade stall we have helped to make a difference, not only in direct benefit to producers from the sales made, but also in spreading the word and message of fair trade to the wider community.
A big thank you to the children involved in the making our stall welcoming and for giving up their time to sell items at the stall. Also thank you to the parents who purchased items at our stall.
Encourage your child to get involved in making decisions about things that affect them e.g. what you do at the weekends, what you have for dinner etc. This will make them feel involved in family life and that their ideas matter. If their suggestions are not possible, be honest and discuss them and where possible, incorporate some of their suggestions. Use phrases including:
“So what do you think we should do?”
“What don’t you try that on your own this time?”
“The choice is yours.”
Dear Parents and Carers,
Here in St Mark’s, we encourage, promote and value our children’s reading skills and spend large amounts on our reading schemes. We would like to ask for your help now, as many of our books are missing and we suspect they may have been kept at home by mistake.
Please check around the house/in your children’s bedrooms and return any books you find during this Book Amnesty Week. We will have a daily collection and every book returned will earn your child a house point.
With Thanks
You can view and print copies of important letters sent home via this link Letters Sent Home
Last week St Mark’s celebrated Financial Education Week.