Category Archives: Carers

Study Guide ‘Preparing and Supporting your Child for Success’ 2021-2022

Mental health during the Coronavirus outbreak

In St Luke’s High School nurturing every child’s god given talents to enable them to flourish beyond school and un-leash their potential, is at the centre of everything we strive for as practitioners and as parents/carers.
Studying and preparing is vital to exam success. The Study Guide ‘Preparing and Supporting your Child for Success’2021-2022 contains useful tips on supported study and targeted study approaches to suit different types of learning that are specific to your child.

Supporting your Child’s Wellbeing through Assessment Booklet 2021-2022

Mental health during the Coronavirus outbreak

Exams are a daunting time for both learners and parents. The fear of failure or not living up to expectation is a very real anxiety some children face prior to exams. This period can be extremely overwhelming for young people, some will ask for help, others will hide away and some will seem completely in control only to begin study leave and all of sudden emotions are running high. The aim of the St Luke’s High School Supporting your Child’s wellbeing through assessment booklet is to provide support in partnership with your child’s teachers and suggest strategies that can protect your child’s well-being on the build up to exams.

St Luke’s High School Wider Achievement Catalogue

Wider Achievement recognises the life and work skills that are gained from taking part in activities outside of the classroom. These achievements can come from learning within the school, home and wider community and can cover a wide variety of activities ranging from hobbies, volunteering to recognised award programmes.
This helps develop skills for learning, life and work and can be invaluable for our young people as they grow up.

See the St Luke’s High School Wider Achievement Catalogue for clubs and opportunities for our young people.   The catalogue gives  a description of different wellbeing activities on offer.   The dates of these clubs have been updated for session 22-23 and can be found here.

St Luke's High School Wider Achievement Opportunities Catalogue

Free Connect sessions for Parents and Parent Councils in September

Connect Supporting Partnerships in Education

Connect have a great programme of free online information sessions  in September for parents and Parent Councils.

There is a choice of times for each session, either 1.30pm or 8pm.

Places are free, booking is essential via the links.


Parent Councils What’s Our Role Now?

1 September

Parent Councils – What’s Our Role Now?

How can PCs work positively in the current situation? We will offer practical advice on how a Parent Council may help support parents/carers and the school community and find new ways to fulfil their role in the current situation.
Online Q&A How are you doing?

3 September

Online Q&A – How are you doing?   

We would like to invite parents and parent groups to an informal online chat We’re keen to know how Connect can help your parent group in this current situation. Please tell us about what your parent group needs and about your experiences.

We’d also like to hear about your parent group’s activities, ideas and plans and to share these with other groups. Let’s have a chat about how we can help each other.

Role of Parent Council PTA Chairs

8 September

Role of Parent Council/PTA Chairs

For new and more experienced PC/PTA Chairs. Top tips for running effective meetings and dealing with tricky situations.  Advice on holding meetings online, setting agendas, working with other office bearers and working in partnership with your head teacher.
Reaching Out to All Families

10 September

Reaching Out to All Families

Practical help to make sure everyone is included, supported and involved in your school community Who is engaged with the school community?  Who is missing?  What are the challenges faced by some families that make engagement difficult?  How can your PC and school community help to overcome these challenges?  This session will help you to engage more and different families in school and learning.
Role of Parent Council PTA Treasurer
15 September

Role of Parent Council/PTA Treasurer

For new and more experienced Treasurers Find out how to look after PC/PTA funds, report to meetings/AGM and comply with Connect membership-linked insurance.
Building School & Community Partnerships
17 September

Building School & Community Partnerships

For parents/carers, school staff, community organisations, working together to improve outcomes for children and young people. Practical ideas for your parent group to help your school move forward with projects around literacy, numeracy, health & wellbeing and many other areas.  We will look at how your school currently engages families and the wider community in children’s learning and how different types of involvement can help to improve outcomes for children and young people in the current situation.


Connect + Parenting Across Scotland
24 September

Connect + Parenting Across Scotland  

Looking after yourself and your family The current situation has presented many challenges to parents/carers and a new set of pressures on family relationships. This session looks at things you can do to defuse difficult situations and care for yourself and your family.



City of Glasgow College Clearing 2020

City of Glasgow College will host a virtual event on Monday 10th August 2020 between 12 and 2pm and/or 4pm and 6pm.

We still have limited availability for some courses beginning August/September 2020 but the event is equally suitable for next year’s leavers and guidance staff/parents requiring further information.

Attendees can:

  • Chat to lecturers about full-time courses starting in August.
  • Discuss your options if you have not met the conditions of your offer.
  • Chat to our Student Support Team about funding and other support available.

City of Glasgow College Clearing 2020