Minutes for the OLM Parent Council Meeting – 12th December 2013
Gillian Boyle, Anne Forsyth, Michelle Hynes, Judy Taggart, Catriona James, Veronica Dowling, Charlie Jamieson, Mary Moore, Gerry Devenney, Marie-Claire Darroch, Roger Spooner, Brendan Docherty, Jackie Devlin, Mary O’Reilly, Lesley Garety, Maureen McAlpine, Callum Houston, Karen Kelly, Gary Bhatti, Amir Hussain, Angela Friel, Cllr Mary Montague, Cllr Ralph Robertson
Cllr Fletcher, Cllr Wallace, Cllr McAskill, Cllr Waters, P. Hessett, C. McCudden, J. McLachlan
Approval of the Minutes for the November PC Meeting
Proposed- G. Boyle
Seconded- J. Devlin
A. Hussain noted that his apologies for the November meeting had been omitted.
Update on Traffic Sub-group
B. Docherty spoke about the success of Road Safety week. St Ninian’s pupils had helped take the children on safety walks, a pedestrian crossing had been set up in the gym hall and the pupils took part in a competition to design a sign, details of which are on the school website. G. Brown will provide the money to make and install the winning sign. A parking guide, written by the junior Road Safety Officers, was also issued to parents. This is also available to view on the website.
C. Jamieson added that Cllr Montague had made inquiries about some of the traffic issues around the school but had not heard anything back. C. Jamieson had also discussed with the Clerk of Works about making some improvements but will have to approach D. Leask for funding. This work will include some tree trimming, the reprinting of old signs and the painting of new ones. The work agreed by G. Brown will likewise require funding from D. Leask.
A. Friel asked whether the changes already in place had made a noticeable difference at the drop off area. C. Jamieson replied that there had been no recent complaints on the matter.
L. Garety said that she had witnessed the situation where cars lingering in the drop off zone were preventing the buses from parking and G. Bhatti noted that people were continuing to park despite the new signs.
M. McAlpine asked whether it might be worth putting leaflets on those cars that park in the drop off area. C. Jamieson replied that perhaps the pupils could design something to be used in that manner. B. Docherty added that this had been considered before but that it was not done in view of the risk of damaging cars.
M. Moore said that because of the congestion, it was difficult not to double park, even when just dropping off children in the morning.
C. Jamieson explained that some spaces in the drop off area have been reserved for staff parking and that perhaps parents were copying this. He suggested it might be worth putting signs up to show which spaces were for staff parking. J. Taggart added that the spaces beside the staff spaces might be painted with yellow hatches rather than leaving them to look like they are spaces to be parked in.
G. Bhatti drew attention to the problem of dropping off children at a point where there is no gap to allow them to get onto the pavement. He said that in that case, parents are likely to get out of their cars to take their children to a gateway.
R. Spooner, having commended the older pupils who had been helping at the nativity plays, wondered if those older pupils could also be sent out to discourage drivers from parking where they shouldn’t, especially at busy school events. C. Jamieson said that the Junior Road Safety Officers could do that, if they were accompanied by staff.
M. McAlpine referred to the parking issues in Berryhill Drive, with cars parking on both sides of the road.
A. Friel noted that neither of the two Woodfarm car parks is very busy in the morning.
L. Garety said that there was unusual congestion on the days of the nativity plays, heightened when such events coincided with Woodfarm’s early end. J. Taggart wondered whether a text could be send to remind parents of potential problems on unusually busy days.
M. O’Reilly mentioned the problem of cars waiting around the school areas and leaving their engines running. R. Spooner added that it was illegal to do so. G. Bhatti said that this could be a risk for children playing in the cages.
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