Musical Bumps World Record Attempt

Congratulations to everyone on our record beating total!

We are delighted to confirm that our Guinness World Record attempt has raised an amazing £11,801.26! This does not include Gift Aid which we hope will push the total even higher.

On behalf of The Playground Project, a huge thank you to all our pupils, families and friends for this fantastic effort – an OLM record for fundraising! We will let you know when we hear from Guinness regarding the success of the attempt.

Special congratulations to Leo in P2 who raised a fabulous £480 and was the highest individual fundraiser!

Thanks again to everyone for the incredible display of community spirit on the day – fantastic support from volunteers, parents, staff and of course our amazing children. As well as being the first time in 10 years the whole school has been together, funds raised will be used towards making the playground a dynamic and vibrant space for the children to enjoy for years to come.

Thanks again!